// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪-𝕗𝕚𝕧𝕖 //

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hiraeth - part seventy-five


       As Goku joined the others, Black and Y/n both began to back off, though both for their own reasons. Black leaned against Y/n's shoulders, listening to her rapid, panicked breathing, although he paid no mind to it as he chuckled.

"This is maddening," Black muttered, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. None of this was going the way either of them planned. Black couldn't wrap his head around how they kept ascending to new heights over and over, surpassing their own limits again and again. And yet, this was as far running as his power went. Or so, that's what he had thought.

"Give it up, Black. You're losing. Zamasu is gone." Goku spoke, catching both Y/n and Black's attention.

"What!?" Y/n looked up at him in surprise, nearly gasping for breath as she panicked. "Where is he? What did you do to him!?"

"It doesn't matter. He's gone. It's four against two. You don't stand a chance," Goku said. His eyes widened as Black chuckled, his chuckles turning into laughter as his mind spiraled.

"Oh, how foolish I've been!" Black exclaimed, throwing his arms out as if he had come to some sort of realization. Y/n looked up at him in confusion, worry beginning to eat away at her. This had not only been hard on her, but on Black as well. His stress was beginning to stretch his sanity thin, and it showed as he spoke.

"Something is horribly wrong with you in the head," Vegeta spoke as he rose to be on even ground with Black, as if to prepare himself for another fight with Black. Black chuckled darkly, pink bangs shadowing the raw anger flowing through him, ebbing at his very being. His patience for these creatures who dared pushed him this far had all but disappeared.

"You know, I think I finally have an understanding of how you Saiyans work," He spoke, his words confusing Vegeta, blue brows creasing as he carefully eyed Black. "I could not for the life of me understand how you letting your anger control you granted you power. But now, I understand. It's not controlling you, you're controlling it, harnessing it. I cannot believe that I didn't think to harness my deep running hatred for you, and turn it into power."

Vegeta didn't dare utter a word, wary of what sort of path this might take. Black was on the cusp of losing his mind to his anger and stress. Black forced a shaky grin across his face as he suddenly grabbed Y/n's shoulders, his eyes turning so soft as they landed on Y/n it was almost eerie.

"Worry not, darling. This fight is done for. I've found the way, I know how to cleanse this world," Black spoke, wild eyes staring into her own. She knew he was stressed. But the way he shook with almost excitement made her fearful for his sanity. This fight was beginning to take its toll on everyone. "Y/n, I know you want to release all of those pent up emotions within you. Wear your emotions on your sleeves, let everyone know how they've wronged you, show everyone the far reaches of your anger!"

Black held out her arm, palm facing him. He grinned widely, his aura sinking into his balled fist. Pointing his fingers to her palm, Y/n could only stare in awe and confusion as a bright pink ki blade formed on his hand, edge pushed against her palm.

Black didn't utter a word of warning as he sunk the blade into her hand, blinding and searing heat flowing through her, as if to burn his very essence within her. Every raw emotion he'd ever felt, from the brightest anger, to his deepest love for her, was burned into her being. As his fist pressed to her palm, Y/n grit her teeth and bore through the pain as she grabbed the blade.

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