Day One - What Do You Do?

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I woke up in a hospital bed this morning not knowing how i got there, "Oh, good you're awake" A nurse said. As i started to look around the room gathering my thoughts, "Where am i?" i muttered, and then i spotted my mother, "Oh! my baby your ok!" she yelled while coming up to hug me. "Mom? What's happening where am i?" i said. "Darling your in the hospital you passed out." she replied.
The nurse then interrupted and asked, "Uhm Aubree.. Do you mind telling me the last time you ate?"
I started getting anxious "should i lie or tell the truth?" i thought, i decided to tell the truth cause i felt like i couldn't lie to a nurse. "Uhm maybe a few days ago.." i said with an anxious tone. My mother turned back to me, "Darling.. Have you been st@rving yourself.." my mother said with a concerned tone. I didnt know what to do and just froze. As soon as that happened my mother knew.

"Ok guys calm down please." The nurse interrupted. "Aubree i would like you to stay at the hospital until you're recovered because this is very serious and you could die." The nurse said. before turning back to my mom i was able to catch a glimpse of her name tag 'Nurse. Anne' it stated. "that must be her name" i thought. I turned to my mom begging silently to not have to stay but she didn't listen, instead she stated, "Ok thats great she can stay as long as she needs i just want her to be ok."
"Great! Let me show you your room and then you could go home to pack your things." Nurse Anne said.

Arriving back at the hospital felt more scary than waking up there now knowing that i might be there for months but i knew id try and get out of there as soon as possible even if it meant pretending.
My mom greated Nurse Anne at the front desk and she handed my mother paperworks to fill out. Before taking me to my room she let me say goodbye to my mother, although i didnt think the goodbye would last that long. we entered my room and she said i could decorate it any way i wanted to i put clothes in the small wardrobe and some stuff on the desk. i then changed into my pjs and prayed for tomorrow to be better.

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