Day Two - It's like you're out to get me.

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I woke up to a nurse that I've never met standing by my bed. When I woke up she said "Oh good-morning Aubree! I'm Nurse Sofia" She said while handing me a cup of water and a pill. She started telling me about how I would start school at the hospital soon but all I wanted was to get out, like an escape from reality.

I got dressed and left my room. I started walking around the hospital. It felt strange seeing all these people ive never met.. I started looking at all the exits wishing I could just leave.

Then I came across this girl sitting alone. She was brunette, around my height, and wearing a basic outfit with a ribbon in her hair. But the main thing I noticed was her body. It was perfect, the body I wish I had. After looking at her for at least a good 8 seconds she spotted me, and when I thought THAT was bad she started walking towards ME!

"Hi I'm lacy!" She almost immediately said. "Oh uhm hi I'm Aubree" I nervously replied. "Are you new here? Ive never seen you around." Lacy asked "Oh. Uhm yeah I am" I replied. "Oh, Ok! Meet me by the fountain tomorrow and I'll show you around and introduce you to people!"
"Oh okay.."
Lacy then walked away and even though I didn't know her, it felt like she was out to get me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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