To catch a dream

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Screams broke out through the night, followed by a rain fire of bullets.

Shadows flew from all directions, the royal guards are surrounded with not enough time to call for backup.

The head general glances up into the starry sky seeing the full moon.  Knowing what lays ahead he sends a silent prayer to the Luna goddess while asking forgiveness of his mate.

" Take the junior highnesses and hide, do not come out no matter what you may hear. If we don't come back after 30 minutes, regardless of what you have to do get them to the palace. Do not fail this mission!"

The two young soildiers, Xue Yang and Xiao Xingchen bow on one knee.  General Song Lan places a hand on each of their heads fondly, before turning and with one glance over his shoulder, he disappears into the night.

Huddled behind the overturned limousine, three small children shiver while hugging each other tightly.  Their voices muffled as their tear and blood stained faces scrunch tightly in fear.

Xue Yang lowers himself carefully, allowing the little pups to recognize his presence.  Xiao Xingchen releases his scent of soft lilac and sage to calm the three pups.

" It's ok babies, uncle Xue and uncle Chen are here to take you away from the bad people."

The oldest, a pretty girl with dark purple eyes pops up her head. Lips wobbling as she clutches her siblings tighter to her body, she looks no more than 9 years old.

" Dada and Mama? The Bad men left?"

" Yes darling, don't worry! The great general has gone to rescue your fathers and mother, everything is going to be alright!"

Xingcheng softly caresses her hair, as the girl blinks away her tears before smiling weakly.  She gently taps the younger two still clutching her tightly.

" A-Cheng, A-Ying, let's go with uncle's."

The little boy, his face a very feminine handsome looks up, his light lilac eyes glanced around quickly before looking at his sister.  When he notices the two men, he pushes Xue Yang shaking his head no while grabbing the smallest tightly to his chest.

The boy was no more than six years old, but his strength was definitely of an alpha.

The littlest one, was wrapped in pink and gold blankets. Only a tuft of unruly curly hair could be seen.

" M-my baby sister, was thrown out of the car when it flipped."

The eldest girl spoke, her voice shakily as she glanced nervously at the bundle in her brother's arms.

Xue Yang and Xingchen exchange looks before lowering down closer to the kids.

" If you trust me, may I please have a look so I can check and make sure the baby is alright?"

Xingcheng's soothing voice fell on the children like pillows.

" Um, please save her. A-Cheng let shushu have a look at A-Ying!"

The little boy was hesitant but handed the bundle over to the nice uncles.

Xiao Xingcheng took the bundle into his arms delicately, he could smell the sweet scent of fresh powder and milk along with the bitter tang of blood.

With trembling hands he slowly unravels the swaddling, a sweet faced child with eyes tightly closed lay unconscious. On the right side of her head is a  wound, deep, bloody right at the hairline.

Xingcheng panics, the child was burning up and the blood matted in the hair was running down the side of the baby's face.

"Yang'er, we need to hurry! I'm afraid the baby is in danger!"

Xue Yang jumps to his feet, checking his watch it's not 40 minutes past the time of the general's return.  He sniffed the air, he could smell feral wolves.

" We must leave here quickly! You take the baby and I will take the pups."

The two stood up, gathering the children in their arms, they mounted swords and flew away into the night.

Wei Ying shivered, pulling the collar of the thick red cashmere wool sweater around her neck tightly, the lobby was freezing. 

Grey eyes shifted back down to the clip board, scanning over the questions to make sure nothing was missed.

The soft mummering's of Jiang Cheng fade into the background.  Any moment the angry tsundere will shatter his phone, the behavior so not befitting of a royal prince.

But then again, I can completely understand why he would be angry. 

Who would want to offer up their sibling to practically be whored out just to keep the rightful reigns of a throne that should rightfully be his.

Those advisers are nothing but rotten greedy men, seeking their own fame and fortune while robbing the very people they should be serving.

So here they are, at the local sperm bank because of some stupid decree that the crown prince must have a legitimate heir prior to turning 25 years old.

It's not like Jiang Cheng is impotent or incompetent, absolutely not. It's just as the sole male Alpha, he has had to work triple time by keeping them safe from vultures wanting to eradicate their bloodline.

And with that being said, the crown prince does not have the time to entertain relationships.

Their oldest sister, Yanli. Dutifully obeyed the arrangement made by their parents and married the eldest son of the Jin family, so any offspring would technically be registered under their family.  And also the benevolent Princess Yanli refused to allow her greedy and disgusting father in law to use her child to fulfill his desire of usurping the throne.

So that leaves the last remaining sibling, a foolish and mischievous little omega that keeps the crown prince literally pulling out his hair.

And right now that is exactly what his royal bitchiness is doing. Pulling out his perfectly cropped and professionally styled hair has he chews out his advisors and personal assistant for creating this predicament.

Anyone could say the Crown Prince can be at times very grumpy, handling affairs with an iron fist while managing the throne and defeating their enemies, but the remaining portion of the time is chasing around his baby sister, who he secretly adores and spoils rotten.

" Jiang Wei Wuxian!"

The nurse calls through the open door, taking one look towards the outside of the building where Jiang Cheng is still arguing on his phone closely followed by his secret guards.

Wei Ying stands, grabbing her purse before following the nurse into the back rooms.

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