What a pretty nightmare

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A tall and handsome man stepped from the private jet. A pair of dark shades conceals the light colored eyes leaving everyone standing around both curious and intrigued.

Dressed immaculately in a dark slate grey pants suit, it had been quite some time since the older Alpha seen the younger.

Xichen noted the now shoulder length tresses bleached a silvery white falling loosely on A-zhan.

A soft smile etched itself across the older beautiful jade's face, feeling like a proud parent.

" Xiongzhang!"

" Wangji, it's good to see you baby brother!"

A playful smirk fixes itself on Xichen's face seeing the bright red ears on Lan Zhan.

" Ahhh, you can fool everyone a-Zhan but you can't fool big brother! You're still bashful!"

Lan Xichen thinks to himself as the two walk to the waiting vehicle ignoring the onlookers.

" A ring?"

Lan Xichen raises an eyebrow seeing a black jade ring sitting on his brother's left hand."

" Mhm, a lot has changed since my time overseas. I am engaged to Luo Qingyang, you will meet her soon."

" Is she your mate?"

Lan Zhan looks out the window quietly taking in the passing landscapes of a place he once called home.

" No, just a business arrangement and companionship when needed. She supports me and I protect her. But nothing more than that!"

" And would this Lou Qingyang see and feel things the same way?"

Expressionless gold eyes look into inquiring gold eyes.

"Don't give me that deadpan look! You know better than anyone what it means to be tied up with the lans. And most importantly mother! The Lan Furen is not one to be easily impressed, then you have the clan elders."

" Mianmian understands, she is born from here and has the same values. Not to mention she was raised alongside Jin Zixuan, so she knows about my line of work and background. She is an heiress of the Lou family branch that moved overseas, her grandfather is a tycoon in the tech world and exactly what I needed to hold a standing."

He understood, he understood completely where A-Zhan is coming from. This Union is a good look, even better on paper. Father and uncle will be pleased thinking of the benefits and gains, Mother more than likely will not be to happy, and quite judge mental at first.

If he remembers correctly the Lou family stood on equal footing as the Jins, just as wealthy and no pushovers. They were gentry just like the lans, the problem is if A-Zhan will actually go for it and what would it mean for the future.

" You know something Wangji? You really came at an auspicious time. Today our country finally was granted a crown prince by his Majesty Jiang Cheng."

Lan Zhan glanced down at his hands, quickly clenching them to stop them from trembling.

" I still can't but help feeling guilt. We have a blood feud with the Jiang's, in order to snatch power the clans rose up against the nobel's forsaking the friendship, and alliance and killed the late Queen and the two king consorts. We were still very young but I remember being very close with his Majesty Jiang Cheng and the First Imperial Princess Jin Yanli. Do you remember a-Zhan?"

Lan Zhan sat still, like a frozen glacier. Feeling icicles freezing the very blood in his veins, how could he ever forget? That blood stained memory and a face so sweet, but that was so many years ago. Fallen for a star that is always beyond his reach, he could see the past visions of himself, always shunned by the other children because of his stoic and quiet nature. The stolen glimpses of that person who once was a bosom buddy, chasing after the pretty butterflies and petting the rabbits until one day mother said he could not play with the little omega anymore.

And that person vanished without a trace, like a dream that never existed.

" No! I don't remember!"

Lan Zhan could feel the probing of those gold eyes so much like his own, drinking in every corner of his face.

A soft sigh.

" It's no matter, I guess it is best you don't remember. I will carry that burden, until the day his majesty requests for retribution. We will never be forgiven Wangji, let's just pretend it was a long dream."

The brothers remain quiet, the mood changing to sour. And as if the heavens answered the skies turned a dark grey and began to pour down rain.

" See that, even the heavens think we are sinners."


Wei Ying watched the tv screen, sitting on a giant red velvet couch. A vase of red roses still fresh with few drops and a giant silver bow rests on the table, a celebratory gift from Jiang Cheng, for gifting him an heir.

Watching with anticipated breath as A-yuan, her precious baby slowly begins his walk up the 100 steps, covered in heavy traditional royal attire of pale yellow with a ferocious dragon flanking down the front and back of the satin embroidered material.

A belt made of solid gold shines under the sun, and the beaded crown sways on his pinned up hair. He looks so handsome yet she can't help the tears falling down her face knowing that it will be a very long time before she can kiss those baby fat covered cheeks again.

It is worth it, in the end it is all worth it! She would never regret making that decision, knowing full well what it would mean to be an unmarked, unmated, and pregnant omega. But not just any type of pregnancy, but one using IVF treatment and a stranger's semen to give birth to her brother's heir.

It would seem that A-yuan's birth is a sure ticket to locking and sealing her brother's throne but to the three siblings, his birth is heaven sent and it's clearly seen because of the way both Uncle and Aunty dote on the boy who lacked nothing.

So if it means she would have to give up her identity, her life to remain hidden as the forgotten third child of the late Queen and kings of Jiang and Wei, so be it!

" I would do it all over again!"

Helping herself to her favorite spicy pickled vegetables, lotus root and pork soup and her favorite wine. Emperor's smile, Wei Ying smiles watching her son stand next to his uncle as the new crown prince of the country.

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