Chapter 2: Meeting Buzzsaw

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*In the crystal realm*

Alex (crying): Ugh I never should have joined the riders, all they ever do is use and ridicule me

Feathers: (Moans comfortingly)

Alex: Except you Feathers, your the best thing that's ever happened to me

*Scratching and shuffling is heard coming near her*

Alex: Ugh what do they want now

*Alex gets up and walks towards the noise*

Alex: I told you guys to leave me-

Right as Alex turns she comes face to face with Buzzsaw mounted upon Jack, who is glaring daggers into her.

Buzzsaw: Well well well what do we have here

*10 minutes later*

Alex is tied up against a large crystal, while Buzzsaw instructs Ford and Ward to tie up Feathers.

Buzzsaw: Now that that's settled keep an eye on these two to make sure they don't get away

Alex: Yeah wasn't planning on it

Buzzsaw (turns around angrily: Hey! Watch it

Alex rolls her eyes at his remark

Buzzsaw: Now then boys make sure she *points to Alex* doesn't do anything stupid. While I go and retrieve those crystals Sledkin wanted.

As Buzzsaw opens up the dragon book to check his supposed location, he doesn't notice Alex looking over his shoulder at the document.

Buzzsaw: (grumbles) I swear if I ever meet the author of this book I'm gonna-

Alex: You know if you wanna get there so badly I may be of help

Buzzsaw: You know where it- No I don't need help from a rider

Alex: Ex-rider

Buzzsaw: Whatever, watch her boys

*1 hour later*

Buzzsaw comes back beaten and bruised

Alex: Let me guess dragons with crystals on their noses

Buzzsaw: Ugh!! You knew about them

Alex: That's what I've been trying to tell you; but hey don't trust me

Buzzsaw: And why should I trust you, I've seen you in action with those rider runts

Alex: Look like I said before I'm not a rider and they are not my friends. All I care about is me and my dragon

Buzzsaw: So?

Alex: So I'll help you find your crystals, if you let me and my dragon go

Buzzsaw (looks hesitant): Ford, Winston you sure that dragon's secure

Winston: Uhh I think so?

Buzzsaw: Well keep a close eye on it, while I graciously allow our turncoat to guide me; and if things run smoothly I'll think about showing you mercy

Alex (sarcastically): Wow that sounds so reasonable, and not at all suspicious

Buzzsaw: (forcibly shoves Alex) Move it!


*With the dragon riders*

D'Angelo: Ugh you guys shouldn't have said that stuff about Alex, I think it really upset her

Tom: Pfft yeah right, it's not like she can't take a little criticism

Eugene: Dude you were a complete jerk to her

Jun: Yeah and you weren't

Eugene: Yeah well at least I didn't openly trash her

D'Angelo: Guys none of this is helping anyone; now how do we make it up to Alex

Jun: Ugh why do we have to do stuff for her now

D'Angelo: Jun!

Eugene: Guys come on admit we were all jerks to Alex

Tom: Ugh fine so how do we make it up to her

D'Angelo: Oh I know, when she flew off she left her tablet at the keep

Eugene: I gotcha, once we find it, all we have to do is find her and then boom we're forgiven

D'Angelo: Exactly

Jun: So what are we waiting for, an invitation? Lets Go!!

OK so here's Chapter 2, I really hope you like it. Chapter 3 will be out soon; if not daily. If you have any further suggestions for any future chapters; feel free to let me know.

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