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'It hurts. It really hurts. How much longer??'

Not being a boy is unfair. If the oldest child isn't a boy, they're bad luck. Maybe that's why my parents hate me?? 

Doesn't matter.

All that matters is they don't ever hit anyone else. Not my precious Nezuko. Not my radiant Takeo or Hanako. Not my baby Roukata. Not sweet little Shigeru. They haven't tried yet, which is good. They know they neglect and abuse me, but it's fine as long as the rest of my siblings are princes and princesses to them.

"HIMARI!! GET HERE. NOW!!" a harsh scream comes from the kitchen. It's probably dad.

I walk into the kitchen fearing the worst. I was right. Nezuko has a small cut on her leg from tripping on out way down the mountain to sell the bread and charcoal. Mum, Roukta and Takeo are bandaging her, fussing on how she might not be the prettiest girl anymore. How could they say that?? I'm sure she's the prettiest girl in the entire world!! They hear me come in, turning around to face me with looks of pure hate and disgust.

"YOU BITCH!! HOW COULD YOU LET HER GET HURT?!!" Dad managed to sneak up behind me and hits my head with his sake bottle. I stumble back, biting back the urge to talk back and be punished more. Shigeru and Hanako both grab knives and start to stab my stomach and back. I couldn't help but scream in agony.

It takes them an hour to finish. Nezuko tried to tell them to stop but they ignored her.

"Go. Stay in your room. The water pillar is coming to get Nezuko and make her his tsugo. Like you'd ever be good." Mum shoves me into my room and locks the door. I sink to the floor, wincing in pain. I grab my backpack and get ready to head out of the window and escape.

I've told Nezuko my plan. I hope she'll be fine.

Le Flashback to last night-

'Onii-san!!" Nezuko called out. "Are you sure you want to do this??"

Himari turns around with a warm smile on her face as she finishes explaining. "Yes, Imunoto. Don't worry, we'll meet again in a few years." Nezuko begins to tear up.

"Promise me that we'll meet again as Demon Slayers, Hima-nii!!" She exclaimed, tears pouring down her face.

"I promise."

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