"I don't know why I am the way I am"

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Maya huffed as she dragged Andy and Vic , her best friend's unconscious bodies through the crumbling house as the fire raged on all around her . She ignored the burning pain that was spiking itself through her thighs and kept on pulling her friends ,

" I'm not letting you die in here , especially not you Herrera" Maya mumbled to herself, she could see the door and hear Gibson and Miller yelling to get out of there , she gave one last pull through the door and landed on the grass, feeling the pain spread throughout her body. She pulled her filtered mask off and threw it to the side trying to catch her breath , she turned her head slowly to look at Andy and Vic and saw Jack , Dean and the other paramedics giving them O2 and loading them onto gurneys , her lips turned upwards and a smile broke out on her face 'everythings okay , everyones safe and alive' Maya thought as she sat up slowly , yet that's when she heard it , the call for help from not just anyone , a child inside the crumbling house.

Seattle , 5:30pm

Maya and the rest of the team were eating dinner in the beanery hoping to at least get one meal in before they had another call . Maya looked up from her food and turned her head to look down the table at Jack and Andy talking about who knows what , those two were always on and off , bickering like siblings. She sighed and turned her head back to her food .

Engine 19 , Ladder 19 , Aid car 19 , structure fire , Mary Ave NW.

She shot up along with the rest of the crew , the clatter of forks and knives were heard as everyone started to run down the stairs to the garage . She felt her feet stomp against the concrete floors and heard the yelling of her captain and other crew members. She felt herself stop and started pulling her turnout pants' suspender straps over her shoulder , feeling the snap against her uniform. The adrenaline pumped through Maya's viens , she always loved being a firefighter , not that she liked people getting hurt she just loved the feeling of adrenaline it remind her of her running days back when she was 16 , young and still 'happy' with her family yet now she was 32 years old , a firefighter and not in contact with her parents. Maya pulled her turnout jacket over her tense shoulders and jumped into the engine's passenger seat and pulled the door shut. She looked ahead into the starry night as the truck pulled out of the station , she looked out the passenger window and out at the bright convenience stores and restaurants that looked almost like a blur as they raced past them, sirens wailing and lights shining. Once they arrived Maya could see the two story house covered in orange flames that lit up the dark sky, she took a breath and typed out a text to Carina something along the lines of
'Hey i'm on a call right now , dinner later? Love you' and sighed once she sent the text , she always knew it was hard for Carina when Maya was on call especially after losing her little brother, Andrea. Maya rubbed her temples as her stomach twisted and turned. She felt like something bad was bound to happen. She shook her head and tried to wipe all the bad outcomes out of her mind and prepared herself for what was going to happen. Once on scene and out of the engine , Captain Herrera started to bark out orders

"Bishop , Hughes , Herrera you sweep the floors , Gibson , Miller , triage , Warren , you and me are on the hose" he shouted out . Maya jogged over to the engine and opened the side compartment and pulled out three of the filtered oxygen out as Andy and Vic came up behind her , Maya turned and handed the women their masks
"My son , Matthew, he's in there please!" A woman with bleached blonde hair cried to Dean , clutching onto him and sobbing as the three women headed into the fiery abode.

Andy and Vic entered the smokey building
"Hey cap" Vic called into the walky "Visibility is almost zero," she continued
"Alright, stay safe in there and come out as soon as you've finished searching." Captain Herrera spoke with an unfamiliar tone , almost as if he was nervous?
"Yes captain." Maya repiled.
"SFD , callout if you need help!" Andy yelled into the smokey room , she turned back towards Maya and Vic and waved her hand gesturing for them to follow her. "Floor one sweep complete!" Andy exclaimed into her walky " We're going to floor two now." she finished
"Alright , hurry it up! " yelled back Captain Herrera "Building is becoming unstable by the minute lieutenant."
Maya had started to walk up the creaking stairs and tried to turn around to look back at Vic and Andy, the next thing Maya knew she was thrown backwards into the stairs , she held her ribs that were probably bruised and groaned in pain , but still managed to push herself to her feet and looked towards Andy and Vic who were covered in ceiling tile and rubble
"Andy! Vic!" Maya yelled getting up and running towards the two women covered in rubble and debris.            
She dropped to her knees and immediately checked their pulses and let out a sigh of relief when both of her friends had one.
"How am I supposed to get them out of here?" Maya said to herself
She rose to her feet and moved the rubble off of Andy and Vic. She grabbed both of them by the backs of their collars and started to pull them through the fiery hallway, Maya had never been the friend type but something changed when she met Andy , Andy was smart , tactical , loyal , pretty much any good word you could think of, Vic was Mayas family, her little sister if anything, Maya was not willing to lose that , so she pulled and pulled until she was just about halfway through the smoke infested , narrow hallway . The fire roared around yet Maya all she could hear was the ringing , the ringing that she heard when her father yelled at her , the ringing she heard whenever something felt wrong . The ringing she knew would always be reminding her that she wasn't enough. Until one voice broke through all that chaos

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