Taken from my family

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Angelo's POV
Damien:I can't believe you survived, Angelo:where are the boys?
Damien: they are right outside.
Angelo:meet your new mafia queen and her family,my family .

We looked at my future queen and family.
Damien: Muslim?
Angelo: what's wrong with that?
Damien:oh no problem, she might just be too pure for you.

Angelo: exactly.She is the light to my darkness.And mother in law might I add, that your daughter looks so much like you,just that you are light skinned.

Damien:she got her fair skin from her father.
Munira:can you stop describing us,what do you want from us,just leave us alone .
Angelo:I can't.and now your parents have seen us . They will come with us ,as well.

Munira:no!not my parents
Angelo:okay,then they should keep quiet or there will be consequences.Come , it's time to leave.

Abu:you will not take my daughter, any where!
Angelo: that is not up for discussion, father in law.

I held munira's hand.Her mother hugged her crying.My baby was crying too,I hate seeing her cry, even though I admired her bond with her parents.

Dija: no,you won't take my baby away from me.

She cried.
Angelo:am sorry but you have to let her go.
I pulled munira away from them and started dragging her away as she tried to fight me.I never wanted this but this was the only way.

I promised to make her happy and make her fall for me.Then she will see that I will do anything for her.

I can't explain how I fell for her,it just happened and I don't want it to go away.I have met an angel,an angel that will melt this little devil's heart.

But I have no choice but to taint my little angels life.She will be exposed to the brutal dealings of the mafia.I will do my best to ensure her safety but I will have to expose her to my ruthlessness.

I can't have her weak,not in this dangerous world, especially in the mafia.

I have connections everywhere,no wonder Damien showed up as a police man.I had gone missing since the ambush,but finding me was easier for my men.

Because we have hacked into the police system database,so any call describing me will easily reach my men.

Damien Is my younger brother and third in command.He is now my second since Ambrose betrayed me.

Speaking of embrose, that bastard ,has been captured and is waiting for me in the compound of my mansion.

Unlike others I don't toture in basements or behind closed doors,I toture in public for my men to see the concequences of betraying me.

My queen was leaning on the car door, starring anywhere but me.She was scared of me,most people were but I didn't want her to be scared of me.

We finally reached my mansion where we could hear Ambrose's screams , good.

I helped munira out,but she stood rooted ,so I carried her in my arms.

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