You're it

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3rd pov

"Sasuke!" Naruto jumped.

"Why hello you traitor." Sasuke smirked as he kissed Naruto on the lips.

"Eh?! Quit doing that!? And get off me!" Naruto pushed the man off.

"Kissing is a way for me to let you know that I made my promise stronger." Sasuke flirted.

"Just tell me! Ugh... and I'm not a traitor... I was trying to look for you before the game started!" Naruto defended.

"So... you don't believe Ino?" Sasuke looked at Naruto.

"Of course I don't! I know she was right about your little sabotage... but not your motives... you were trying to separate them from us... weren't you?" Naruto looked at Sasuke who chuckled.

"Now when did you get so smart? You're right... I was trying to separate us from them. What I didn't know was that Ino would catch on and sabotage my sabotage." Sasuke sighed heavily as he got up.

"You really don't want Ino around... do you..." Naruto frowned.

"I get that she's a friend and all... but we need to reframe from making too big of a group.... that will lead us to be a huge target. So far, I've seen groups no bigger than 10 walking around... all having the same cards. We should make our way and be the first to get there before any seekers tag us." Sasuke pointed as he started making his way back to the entrance.

"...Sasuke wait! I know you don't like Ino... but there is a girl that I do want to watch over! Her name is Hinata, she is super quiet, and I know she will follow by your rule. We can at least keep in close contact with her." Naruto followed, Sasuke didn't seem to care about the conversation.

"What did I say before, it's you and I in the end... I'll always pick you over anyone, so having someone else there will ruin that... distract us. Besides... I want you all to myself for one reason..." Sasuke grabbed Narutos hand and pushed him into the bushes with him. Naruto was about to question Sasuke before seeing a massive group of seekers running by, chasing two other people. Naruto looked down to still see Sasuke's hand on his.

"Sasu-" before Naruto could say anything, Sasuke kissed him again, keeping him quiet. Naruto blushed as he tried to push him off.

"Shut up... you talk too much... if you don't want me to kiss you again... be quiet." Sasuke looked at Naruto who was very flustered by the man.

Not long after, Sasuke looked out to see that it was safe again to continue walking. Naruto kept quiet and only focused on his hand that was being held by Sasuke.

Suddenly, all around the forest, the intercom screamed.

"10 minutes before heading to the entrance!"

Sasuke suddenly started taking off with Naruto.

"Why are we going so fast!?" Naruto ran.

"We need to get there before all the seekers do. My brother didn't tell me much about this.... but all he said is that as long as we make it to the safe zone at the end of the game, you win." Sasuke quickly explained as they swiftly got closer to the entrance. Suddenly Naruto seen a sinister figure attack from the bushes.

"Naruto!" Sasuke turned around to see Naruto on the ground with someone.

"Haha! Sorry honey, but I ain't losing to a child's game, I got a king to beat!" A guy with sharp teeth smirked as he ripped the hider card off Naruto, leaving him with the seeker card.

"K-Kiba! That guy was Kiba!" Naruto looked over while Sasuke dragged Naruto into a hill dip.

Naruto looked to see Sasuke's enraged expression. He then went quiet as he heard everyone passing through towards the entrance.

"...Naruto we need to run as fast as we can. No flashlights okay? I'll push you and guide you through the forest. Please... I need your full trust in order for this to work okay?" Sasuke spoke softly. Naruto felt like crying, he knew he couldn't fail.

"Okay... let's go!"

With that Sasuke pushed Naruto around by his shoulders, guiding him to the entrance. All Naruto could think was to just get there in time so that he could tag someone there.

"Just a little more! Hurry, people are running towards us!" Sasuke pushed Naruto to go faster. Naruto closed his eyes as he started to sprint all the way towards the exit.


Naruto opened his eyes and realized that he made it into the safe zone... but he had yet to tag anyone.

"...I was the last one here... I lost... I lost it all..." Naruto fell to the ground and tears started to form. He then noticed that Sasuke wasn't behind him.

"Naruto!" The blonde looked to see that Ino and the others were running towards him. That was it... this was his chance to tag someone.... one of his friends.

"Hey! You made it!" Ino smiled as she was glad. Naruto was confused by what she meant until he looked down as his card... his blue hider card.

"What the..." Naruto jumped. Everyone had made it, or so they thought.

"Well well, we are just waiting for one last student! And the game is officially over!" The intercome spoke. Naruto looked around, remembering that he had lost Sasuke through the entrance.

Naruto then looked to see Sasuke behind Ino.

"'re it." Sasuke placed his hand on the girls shoulder. Ino looked to see Sasuke, with Naruto's seeker card pinned to him.

"W-what the?! You can't do that! I'm across the line-" Ino then looked down to see that her left foot was past the line.

"WOWEE!? A CLOSE CALL FOR STUDENT SASUKE! THATS GAME!" The intercome excidelty ended the game. Sasuke stepped into the safe zone, wrapping his arm around Naruto who was in disbelief to what had just happened.

"..Y-you bastard... YOU TOOK A RISK OF BEING LAST JUST TO TAG ME!? YOURE CRAZY! YOURE A MONSTER SASUKE!" Ino started to cry while Sasuke threw her the seeker card.

"How else was I suppose to help Naruto? He got tagged so the only way to save him was to become the tagger... and you were just so easily there... out of bounds... you idiot. Face it Ino... I win." Sasuke smirked.

"All seekers, please let the guards escort you to the trains... you failed."  The intercom spoke before shutting off, letting all the guards out.


"SAKURA! TELL THEM! TELL EVERYONE!" Ino looked at the Pinkett who blankly stared at her.

"...tell everyone what?" Sakura smirked while Ino was in shock.

"TRAITOR! ALL FOR HIM!? HE HAS SOMETHING UP IS SLEEVE EVERYONE! ELIMINTE-" Before she could say another word, the guard lifted the girl up and covered her mouth. Muffled screaming and cries were heard throughout the yard.

Naruto looked at Ino before looking back at Sasuke who smiled at him.

"What did I tell you... in the end... I'll always pick you." Sasuke smiled as he embraced Naruto who blushed, not doing anything... not one single move.

"Sasuke... can I really trust you...?"


Thanks for reading!

Love you~

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