17 - Clocks and Kisses (pt2)

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"What the hell!" Lawrence exclaimed as he stumbled back holding his now bleeding nose.

"Sebastian!" I scolded, as the blood dripped down Lawrence's face and onto his winter cloak.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Sebastian growled, shaking out the hand he'd just used to punch Lawrence in the face with. As Sebastian took an angry step forward, I instinctively stepped between them, putting my hands out to stop Sebastian from getting any closer.

"I was kissing my girlfriend." Lawrence shot back from behind me. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"Girlfriend?" Both Sebastian and I questioned in unison. But where I turned to look at Lawrence, Sebastian looked at me. 

The heat of blush rose to my cheeks as I revisited all the things Lawrence had been saying, and I realized that maybe I shouldn't have been so surprised by his declaration. I quickly worked to regain my composure, hoping neither of them had noticed my slip as I turned back to face Sebastian.

I hadn't expected to be met with such a fiery gaze and I suddenly felt very small under his towering figure, his anger causing him to stand a little taller. The last time I'd seen him like this we'd been discussing my familiarity with the goblin Lodgok. Though this time he looked slightly more inquisitive, as if searching my eyes for some sort of truth. I felt myself wanting to give it to him, and averted my gaze.

"Well how was I supposed to know? I didn't see you all afternoon, you weren't at dinner, and the next time I see you you're being accosted by some guy." He said gesturing towards Lawrence with his wand hand, a hand that was thankfully empty. 

"Accosting!?" Lawrence questioned defensively.

"Yes, Davies." He shot at Lawrence over my left shoulder. "I know your eyes were closed and all, but even Ominis could tell when a girl pulls back."

"I did not pull back." I found myself looking back up at him, denying his accusation. An impulsive response, born of my sudden need to defend Lawrences pride, or maybe my own. But as the words left my mouth, I knew my delivery had not sounded convincing. At least not enough to fool Sebastian, he knew me too well.

"No?" Sebastian questioned sarcastically, eyebrows raised, clearly not believing me.

"No." I replied indignantly, doubling down in hopes that he wouldn't see any farther through my facade.

"Well then, by all means, don't stop on my account." Sebastian continued his sarcastic tone as he gestured towards Lawrence.

"Maybe I would, but somebody punched my date in the face!" I spat back, raising my voice at him. Ironic how cold it was outside, because I could feel a fire starting to burn in my chest.

"I think I should get to the nurses office." Lawrence quietly interjected from behind me, sounding slightly nasally, and I was suddenly brought back down to earth. 

"Of course Lawrence. I'm so sorry. Lets get you to the nurses office." I said apologetically, grimacing at the blood covered hand he held over his face. I moved to take Lawrences arm but he waved away my offer.

"That's okay. Really. The hospital wing isn't a far walk, I think I can make it." Lawrence said, returning my grimace with a polite closed lip smile, attempting to lighten my mood. Or at least I think he did, from what I could see under his hand. "I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow?"

I nodded in response, feeling a little guilty for the situation he'd found himself in. Lawrence offered me a small wave, giving Sebastian a wide berth as he made his way past us. I watched Lawrence pass through the large archway of the clock tower before turning my attention back to Sebastian.

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