Event and slaying

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Ok so I have made this chapter with a little touch of celebrity kdrama if U watched it well done and If u haven't watched it what. r U even doing it is one of the best drama

Ya.,dohee said
I don't want to it these fruits.,dohee SAID IN FURIOUS TONE

You have to it still.,guwon said while picking up a slice of apple with fork in the intention of feeding dohee

Bell rings*

Did you order something.,guwon said

Ani.,dohee said

Guwon went to see who rang the be

Who is it.,dohee shouted from living room

A invitation here it is.,guwon said while handing it to dohee


What it is?m,guwon ask

Fashion show special invitation.,dohee said

You are not going aren't you?guwon said

I have to si heyeon also send me email  and insist me to came.,dohee said

Event day

Dohee what are you wearing., guwon ask

So I made a little twist here dohee is chairwoman of mirae f.a.

Back to story

So I am main event so I have to dress nicely.,dohee said with proud face

So I will wear this.,dohee said while pointing at that

Dohee dress :-

Yeah this is perfect.,guwon said

Seo Ari and si heyeon side ;-

Do you call her.,Ari said

Yeah she's coming in 10 minutes according to her.,heyeon said

*Yeah she is dohee aren't
Wow she is so pretty
Yeah she Is chairwoman*
Crowd start cheering and every photo grapher start taking her photo

I should have go and receive her.,si heyeon said

Oh hi miss do dohee,.si heyeon said
Thank you so much for taking your time.,she said

Ah..no problem.,dohee said

Event goes well with dohee taking pictures with her fans and other celebrities

Event come to an end

So now we would like to invite miss do dohee to stage to answer some fans questions and for a motivational speech
Plz give us round of applause

Dohee went to stage so
I would like to give a speech first.,dohee said and share her small speech

Now we would like to ask some questions.,Mc said

So the first question is how do you feel after being chairwoman.,MC said

It felt good and proud.,

The next question is little personal would you like to answer it?.,MC ask

It depends on questions.,dohee said with a smile

So we would like to know about your married life how is it going?

It's going wonderful as I said I found a partner for myself whom I love a lot

(Reference :song joonki speech dedicated to hye kyo 2017 interview)

Also I was talking to jeong guwan and he said he prepared a suprise for me
If it appropriate I would Definitely post them online

Event end and dohee went to home

Jeong guwan dohee shouted as she see
Power cut off and no sign of jeong guwan there


guwon said with a cake in his hand

Ya you make me scared.,dohee said

Okay let cut the cake

Ya.,first take some photos for me I am going to post them.,dohee said

They both spent Thier night talking and cuddling with each othe and do dohee posted those pics online

A blast comments created on the post and dohee thanked everyone

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