chapter 9

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Branch wakes up to Poppy groaning in pain. He knew it was only a matter of time before he would hear it and he is prepared and ready to help.

Heading over to his girlfriends sleeping bag he gently picks her up and brings her over to his bed and covers her up it's better to lay on something soft for when your in pain.

"Thanks Branch" Poppy says trying to smile at him before groaning. He heads over and gets the ice pack along with some berries and herbs that help reduce pain. Mixing them together he makes a mixture for her to drink.

"Here drink this it will help ease the pain" He says holding out a spoon for her to drink from. She smells it and grimaces. "Ugh why does it have to smell like that?" She grimaces before quickly swallowing it but it was obvious it tasted horrible. 

He goes over and grabs the ice packs he had prepared and lays them on her legs,she jolts a bit from the cold at first but soon relaxes. "Thanks Branch really I mean it"  She says giving her signature overbite that he loves and her fangs make him love her even more even though he though that wasn't possible but then again you can never love someone too much.

"I'm going back to sleep haven't been able to sleep well for a couple hours" Poppy says turning over in her bed. "I will be close by if you need me just call alright?" He says and she nods before closing her eyes and he quietly leaves the room.

He has around until lunch before the claws come in if his math is right so he needs to prepare. He could make that soup again it's simple but tasty and good for a person who can't exactly leave their bed at the moment.

Nodding he heads to his kitchen and begins to make himself some breakfast along with prepping the ingredients for the soup. He has himself a simple breakfast. After filling himself up he puts the ingredients in the pot and sets it to slow simmer to really bring out the flavor and so it would be ready near lunch.

After finishing up and cleaning up the mess he suddenly comes to a realization. Since waking up nothing hurts. Nothing felt weird well other than having a new appendage in the form of a tail but not like how it was yesterday. He felt completely fine.

" the transformation complete?" He asks himself. Giving himself a onceover maybe two or three times more just to be safe he was the same as he was as when he went to bed last night. No other new appendages, no pains,no aches nothing.

He wants to laugh,it's over this utter nightmare of a week is over. That means after today Poppy only has one more stage and then she is done. She can finally leave his bunker becuase he knows what she is like when stuck in one place for too long it's just not in her nature unlike him.

He just wonders how the other trolls are going to react to them. He knows he is probably overthinking and they are some of the most accepting trolls out there but still there is always that little thought in the back of his mind, if they could forgive and accept the bergens they can accept him.....hopefully.

Shaking his head and ridding himself of those thoughts for now he decides on what to do while waiting for the soup to finish cooking. He could hear Poppy was still asleep and wasn't in pain at the moment so that's good any second where she isn't in pain is good.

He let's his mind wonder on what to do when one rears its head. When he went out the other day he tried walking,well standing on all fours and when he did he remembered it felt wrong almost like something was missing. Maybe now since this transformation seems to be complete maybe he can try again.

Looking at his paws,his new legs and his tail he sighs and first tried the same position he did when he went out. To his surprise it felt.... good, better than last time because of the pawpads on his feet. He begins to walk a bit and to his surprise he felt fine,nothing set wrong or missing like last time.  His tail swaying as he walked as if to help him keep his balance.

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