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And what about the rose?

Can flowers cry?

Just like any other living organism, a rose has the ability to feel, and if it's in pain, it withers.

What if the rose was not picked, not completely destroyed, only delicately torn by the wind as cold as Earth's heart after he found out what his beloved did?

Then, the rose sheds tears, and it's not an ordinary cry. The petals fall, covered in crimson tears.

They say that for every person, the heaven looks different. The same goes for hell.

When someone dies - they go to one of these places. Regardless of their faith, they go to the place they have deserved. At this place, they will encounter either good or bad things. The pattern remains the same, but it's called differently in each religion.

People who live in harmony with themselves and others will live in happiness and abundance after death. As for those who have caused a lot of harm, well... they will have to atone for their sins.

Staying on the topic of death...

...Where do the victims of suicide end up?

~ Into their own abyss, to be devoured by the demons they struggled with in life. There is no justice there, only darkness, where they will remain for eternity...



RED PETALS was created accidentally. Someone really wanted a happy ending for White Thorns... That made me think "how?" It's impossible! In White Thorns, I killed off two of our main characters, so how can I give them a better ending now?  I accepted the challenge and tried to give Earth and Mix a second chance.

With this story, I also wanted to heal your wounded heart after the last chapter of the previous part. I hope I managed to do it, at least a little bit.

I thank you for being with me during White Thorns, and I thank you for reading Red Petals now.

Love You! ♡

RED PETALS ~epilogue ♡ EarthMix (White Thorns' 2nd book)Where stories live. Discover now