Boy Inluv

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"RUN RUN RUN RUN! Left! Then Right!!! Ohhh is it really Right? Maybe Left? Mini Mini Mynimo! Oh yes Left! "

As usual. Late Comer.
Since the buildings in here were really huge. You can't easily remember where your rooms are.

*vvvvnggg, vvvnggg, vvvnggg" (it's a Phone vibration. Lol)

"Hey! Sydney! Where the heck are you!? The class will start within 2 minutes. You know MS. Biron. Right? The terror of this University! Get your ass back here or else you'll be miserable!" My bestfriend yelled. Yes I had my Bestfriend in just a Week!

"I can handle that you bastard! You always over act. I just got confused in this floor! Always! Well I guess i'll be......."

Bingo! I just bumped with this guy. Ugh sucks.

"Be what?! Hello? Still there?

I stood up and the boy just run like there's nothing happened. I stared at His back.

"Hoping for you to strip"

He stopped and gazed at my direction.

"Sorry Miss! I just don't want my life to be Miserable" jungkook smirked and continue running.

That kiddo! I picked up my books and my phone that were lying on the ground.

"Hello bess? Still there"

-Toot toot toot-


Finally I made up to Room 693-ab7 where My BFF awaits me. Also the Punishment for being late. I twisted the knob and peek through the little gap between the edge of the wall and the door itself. I can see my classmates, others were roaming around. Others were staring at their mirror, couples were scattered. Hello? It's not a Park! I sighed. Yes! Ms. Terror isn't here yet.

"Perfect" I sighed. Woo! That was close. 😂

I glance at Jungkook who is staring at me blankly. I walked towards him.

"What's up?" I said..

"Well nothing new. How are you?"

"Im Good. I guess? "

"Not sure?"

"Yeah since you ruined my morning you idiot. Nothing to do but to flirt with ladies. Ew" aha. I think it would make him pissed.

"Well you should not walk like your in the moon, you walk like a gramps. Like An old lady crossing the street. Hahahaha"

That's so insulting!

I got up and grab a book, gaining a force to throw it in his face
"Ughhh! You little son of a Bi.."

"Goodmorning class. Sorry Im kind of a Bit late." Gezz. This terror girl.

"See you later dork" i said as I leave his desk and head over to Krystal. My BestFriend. Ohh jungkook was really getting to my nerves. I can't help it!

Jungkook's POV

Yes, i have a crush on her. Who wouldn't be? Lol. The first day when I saw her. My eyes landed on her. No one else. Love at first sight. I never believed it but it happened. She's so cute when she's pissed off. That's what I like about her. Hahaha. I Took a glance over her direction and smile like an idiot.

-after class-

"Hey!" He hissed

"What the earth is your problem? " i said...

"what is your next class?"
Ohhh what do you care?...

"None of your business"

"Just asking. Is it bad though?"

"Whatever. English at room 287-gh5 , Building 2 and you?"

"Poor kiddo. I have no classes left this day."

"I don't care"

"So are you free later? Let's chill. Have some coffee?"

Ohh ofcourse I won't go with you! You little piece of sht. Who the hell are..... Oh It's Payback time Jungkook!

"Sure! I would loved to!" I faked a smile.

"9:00pm. Coffee bean"

"Yah yah. Get lost idiot!"

"See you babe. Take care" he said while walking opposite on our way. I froze in surprise and my eyes got bigger. You PLAYER! Im not gonna fall for you. Never!

Jungkook's POV

"See you babe. Take Care." I froze in surprise. Wtf. What the earth did you said Jungkook! It accidentally slip out from my mouth. This can't be! Aha! I can act as PLAYER for her not to believe. I can act Cool! Im so excited to meet her up later. Yii☺️

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