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Taken directly from the Citadel Archive

"In the annals of colonial history, the mere mention of Mindoir evokes images of a peaceful agricultural enclave nestled amidst the cosmic canvas. Mindoir, a planet characterized by its idyllic landscapes and a thriving culture of arable farming, stands as a testament to humanity's remarkable ability to cultivate life from the rich soil of the universe.

As nebulae whispered tales of anarchy and disorder across the star systems, Mindoir remained a sanctuary of stability, a calm refuge amidst the chaotic expanse of the Terminus Systems. Like a gem concealed under unpretentious earth, its true significance eluded the average observer.

In the early chapters of the Alliance's history, Mindoir registered as a planet of relative insignificance. The absence of a military advantage, valuable metals, and rare minerals, attributes reserved for resource-abundant worlds, rendered Mindoir overlooked in the eyes of military focus. Its diminutive size among cosmic spheres further solidified this notion. Thus, Mindoir's peaceful fields bloomed under the vigilant gaze of its diligent agricultural community. However, destiny's tapestry unfurls in intricate designs.

The whispers of vulnerability to Terminus Systems' turbulence eventually morphed into an intense debate within the inner circles of Alliance power. As time elapsed, the Alliance found cause to re-contemplate its initial stance. Minds clashed, opinions soared, and questioning eyes probed into whether Mindoir's perceived insignificance concealed deeper meaning.

Around 2160 CE, Mindoir's identity underwent a dramatic metamorphosis. Soil that once yielded crops now sprang forth official recognition. A pronouncement rippled through the cosmos, transforming Mindoir from a mere blip on star maps into a legitimate entity within the Alliance's fold.

Embracing this pivotal moment, a central figure emerged to steer the realm. Governor Jerome Regis, a name inscribed into Mindoir's legends, stepped to the forefront of leadership. His vision for Mindoir wove a tapestry of growth, unity, and prosperity. Under his steadfast guidance, fields bloomed, and the community thrived, nourished by his commitment to their well-being.

The march of history often mingles with grief. The legacy of Governor Regis, who paved Mindoir's path to recognition, remains eternally blemished by an event that would shatter the very foundations of the planet's peaceful existence. The echoes of that moment persist across time, a haunting reminder that even the most tranquil terrains can be swayed by the tides of fate."

Notes from Special Agent:

Mindoir's narrative unfurls—a tale of concealed value, shifting perspectives, and the intricate interplay between human aspirations and the cosmic currents that mold them. Each page of history is illuminated with the story of Mindoir—a rich fable of evolution, challenges, and the enigma that links humankind to the celestial sphere. Mindoir is not just a planet on a star map. It is the crucible where Jane Shepard's character was forged.

As Shepard's journey unfolds, the echoes of Mindoir's past reverberate in her actions and decisions, shaping the fate of the galaxy in profound and unexpected ways.

Special Agent Jonathan Briggs



Vila Militar in Rio de Janeiro

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