Chapter 5

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EXITING the palace, you ran out like a kid. But seems like God isn't happy with the fact that you are going out. You was stopped by the guards of the palace. "Hey! You shit! Let me go!" You pushed the sword aside but they grabbed your arms. "Hey! You can't go out!" One of them said. "Hey!" You both looked back to see the king glaring at the guards.

"Let her do whatever she wants! Don't stop her! When she will even get in trouble then don't do anything!" Jungkook said and started riding his horse.

You noticed that before riding off he wore a mask and had wore a simple dress. Both guards cleared your way and you got out of the palace. 'What a jerk! Who made him the King with this rude ass!'


You suddenly realised that you're now in a village. You looked here and there. Everyone was busy in their works. You saw 2 little boys fighting over a ball. You went to them and bent down. "Hey, kiddo!" They looked at you and looked at your dress. "Noona, what are you wearing?" They asked.

"Why are you fighting?" You asked, changing the topic. "He stole my ball!" One of them said. "No! It's mine!" Another one said. "First tell me your names!" You said. "I'm Seejung and he is Jisung!" Seejung said. "We both are brothers." He added.

"Ok! Here you can take my marbles instead you ball!" You took out your shiny marble with different colours. "Seejung is bad. He is not sharing his toy!" You gave the marbles to Jisung. Your eyes slowly looked at his reaction without letting him know.

His eyes started filling with tears and was about to cry. Jisung hugged your neck. "Thank you noona!" He said. "Hmm." You looked at Seejung and tried to control your smile. "How old are you?" You asked Seejung. "5." He wiped off his tears. "Aww."

You showed him your fist and opened it. Seejung smiled when he saw marbles. He hugged you too and said "thank you." You chuckled and patted his head. "Are you both twin?" You looked at them. "Yeah. We should look same but aren't." Jisung said. "I'm older!" Seejung said.

He broke the hug and went back to his brother. You smiled and looked around but your heart stopped a beat when you founded Jungkook looking at you. He had wore a mask yet you could tell that he is Jungkook as you saw him before exiting the palace.

Jungkook then suddenly looked away. You noticed that his horse is nowhere to be seen. "N-noona!" Jisung called you. You looked at him and saw a little girl in his arm, crying. "What happened?" You asked.

You took that girl and tried to stop her cryings. 'god, it's difficult!' She suddenly stopped when she saw guy coming behind you. "Is she your sister?" You asked. You noticed the presence behind you so, You looked back and saw Jungkook behind, making the little girls smile.


You looked at your watch and saw it's 3 p.m. Thanks to you that you had your watch in your bag unless you might never see the time again till 1 year. You looked at an old man struggling to pick some wood. But couldn't as he is old now.

You thought to help him so, you made your way towards him and bowed before saying "can I help you?" He looked at you and bowed thinking you might be princess of other Kingdom. You took the heavy wood and groaned.

"where I have to put that?" You asked. He bowed and started walking towards a specific place. Soon he told you to put that here and bowed and thanked you. You smiled and noted everything about the place and people.


'It's getting late now. I should head towards the palace.' You looked at your watch and saw it's 8:30 p.m. and everyone is in their houses. "Junglecock might be in his palace. Now who will tell me the directi-" You stopped yourself when you saw a guy around your age walking and his face was covered with a mask.

"Hey!" You ran to him. He looked back and saw you. His eyes fell on your thighs as you had wore mini skirt. He smirked and said "what happened, pretty girl?" 'I think, it wasn't the good idea to ask for his help!' You gulped. "Sorry." You tried to run but he grabbed your wrist and stopped you.

"No, no, no!" He chuckled. "Let me go!" You tried to free yourself. "Let's enjo-" "HELP!!" you yelled for help. "Hey! Don't shout! I was joking!" He let go your wrist. "Didn't you remembered me?"

He asked. "I'm Jimin!" He cleared his voice. He took off his mask to show you his face. "What are you doing alone here?" He asked. "I was just walking to the palace. You?" You looked at him. "I'm too going!" He said. "Let's go then!" He grabbed your wrist and went towards the palace.

Jungkook, who was about to attack that guy, stopped when he saw that guy was Jimin.

𝐏𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 | 𝐉𝐉𝐊Where stories live. Discover now