Meet Me

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Hi fellow wattpadders!!!! I'm Arielle! But before you ask, I am named after Ariel The Little Mermaid.... It's a very common name around the world. My dad and sister named me after this.

My mom wanted to name me Mary! But seriously, do I look like a Mary to you?! Lol, no offense to anyone with the name of Mary though. I'm just an ordinary girl with a messed up life.

Anyways, I have a family of four. The family concludes of my mom, dad, sister, and me. Although, I wonder if I truly am their kid.... I look nothing like my mom. I don't have any of her traits. But I know I'm related to my dad. We think alike. Lol, haha! We have a thing, where we get easily tempered, but we take our time to identify the problem. But at the same time, we listen. My dad could have been a constructor like the rest of his family, but no he wanted to be in the medical field.

I mean, don't get me wrong. I think saving the lives of people are so very important! Because of my dad, I've always wanted to help people. I had an urgency to do it. It feels so amazing to help people. You make a difference, even though not much know about it. Even though you don't get recognized, the victim and the helper feels great! They become strong and will want to become someone even greater that that. I believe that everyone can do great things that will do good in this society. I know each and everyone on this Earth can make a difference. I know this because I've seen it. I am both an optimist and a pessimist. But mostly, an optimist. You can see the world change before your eyes every single day. Even the worst can do good. You just gotta believe. And if you believe, you can do anything possible.

Like what Audrey Hepburn once said. She is just one lady I am honored to have known. Note that there are many women that I can barely count that made a difference in society. For example, Harriet Tubman. Susan B Anthony. Clara Barton. Annie Oakley. Helen Keller. Eleanor Roosevelt. Amelia Earhart. Anne Frank. Even you.

I'm not saying that just women have done great things. Some people that are men or boys might think that it's unfair. Well, who gave birth to you! Yo mama! HA!!! Lol, just kidding just kidding. A women gave birth to you. Just for you guys out there, here are some amazing men who made a difference to the world. Mahatma Gandhi. Abraham Lincoln. Bill Gates. Nelson Mandela. Christopher Columbus. John F Kennedy. Muhammad Ali. Paul McCartney. Vincent Van Gogh. Franklin D Roosevelt.

Many more are known all around the world for their difference. Being a role model, makes you want to be a role model. You wanting to be a role model will want others to be a role model. It goes on and on until everyone in the society is one. It multiplies. It makes the world a better place. You see, if all are good, then we will make good decisions for the world. Animals roam freely, but not too much that they will do damage to us.

In this book, I will guide you through the journey of emotions we will wonder and learn the many mysteries of humanity.

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