Ep 1

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"Hi! I'm June but Tom already knows that!" Says the girl rather loudly. "Ummm, June was it? could you please leave?" Asks Alex. "Tom! Your not gonna let this...ummm.....
girl boss me around!?" Yells June trying to grab his controller. "Actually June, your being a brat, I'll talk to you later" replies Tom shuffling away from her. "But tommy!" She whines. "June please, you know I'm uncomfortable with being touched" mumbles Tom. "Ugh fine!" Snaps June storming off. "What was that about?" Asks Alex. "She always been like that, well since her dad got custody of her" explains Tom. "Got custody? Are her parents divorced?" Questions Alex. "Yep, her dad apparently felt bad and never told her no or taught her boundaries, at least according to my mum" answers Tom. "Reality will hit her eventually" mutters Alex. "I guess, but sometimes you have to avoid her to get anything done" says Tom. "Well she's what fourteen, like they'd let her skip" says Alex looking up. "Ya, I guess, she's also not very stealthy" laughs Tom. "Heh, friends?" Says Alex. "Defiantly" replies Tom landing his drone. "Think she's gonna come back?" Asks Alex standing up. "Maybe, but She'll probably go to the first adult she can find and tell them we're bullying her" says Tom. "Well I'm gonna go find mushrooms, see ya later" says Alex. "Bye see you later" calls Tom heading down twords the town.

Back at the base Tom could be seen talking to another guy. "Sorry again for knocking you over" he says. "It's fine really" replies Tom. "There you are Tom" says a voice. "Oh hey mum" says Tom with a smile. "Hey love bug" she says ruffling his hair. "Mum stop" whines Tom playfully. "You'll always be my little boy" she reprimands. "Not in front of new people please" whispers Tom. "Alright, alright sorry" she answers. "Oh, D'Angelo your dad is looking for you" says Toms mum. "Thanks for telling me, eh, were is he?" Asks D'Angelo. "He's in the math classroom, on the second floor" she says.

Up in the classroom, D'Angelo's dad was unpacking boxes. "Hey dad" says a very out of breath D'Angelo. "Son! Er, why are you so tired?" He asks. "I took the stairs, you know, to stay in shape" explains D'Angelo. Sigh. "Next time just take the elevator, it's faster and we have a gym for a reason" he says giving D'Angelo a pat on the shoulder. "Alright" replies D'Angelo. "Good, now I need your help with setting up the classroom and then we can patrol together" says D'Angelo's dad.
Alex walks through the woods looking around. "Remember Alex these woods are as safe as the ones behind you house in Minnesota" mutters Alex nervously. Something off in the distance roars. "Ummm, maybe I'll just go home" thinks Alex. The creature roars again. "That sounds like it's in pain, ugh, stupid Alex, just go see where it is, make sure it isn't a dire situation" she groans heading for the pained cries. As she walks the woods become thicker and darker. "Hurry up Alex" she mutters.

She stopped and stared at what she saw. "Ummm, you're not a weird wolf" mutters Alex. The creature roars. A metal thing hangs from it's face and a net has intertwined itself around the things wings. The creatures eyes met with Alex's. She took a step back. It snarled and crouched. When it tried to pounce, it fell and the metal thing got rammed deeper into the dark blue scales. "Oh, oh you poor thing" whispered Alex crouching down. The creature looked at her and growled. "Come here, shhhh, come here whatever you are" says Alex nervously. It growled and backs away.

"Come here" mutters Alex grabbing the metal thing and yanking it out. "Holy shit! Is this a bear trap!?" Yelps Alex tossing it away as it clamps shut. The creature looks at her expectantly. "Right, right" mutters Alex taking hold of the net. "I'll be gentle" mutters Alex when the creature turns to look at her.

"Done" says Alex a few minutes later. The creature spreads it's wings out and turns to look at her. It roars and bolts deeper into the woods. "What the fuck was that!" Screams Alex turning and running twords the base.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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