Chapter Two

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He Watches Me

 Chapter Two

She awoke to dark room.  Hearing the sound of foot steps, she looked around frantically. It did no good. She could see nothing, everything was pitch black.  Instead, she decided to listen. She heard slow intakes of breath and mumbling . She barely caught them, but once she realized what they said, she shivered with uncontrollable fear. 

"God you're beautiful. I didn't think it would be this  easy, I thought it would take the whole summer. Now you're mine. Mine for good. My Madeline. "

"I'm not yours ", she spoke out, "not anymore. I may have been at one point, but certainly not anymore."

"My god", she thought "and I thought breaking that window was going too far. The man has actually taken me captive." 

The man she once knew as sweet and kind stomped across the room in a quick manner, leaned down, and grabbed her face roughly and made her look him in the face. Even without any light, to see, she knew there was rage in his eyes. His body was shaking with anger.

 "LIES! LIES! LIES!", he yelled. "YOU ARE MINE! YOU WERE ALWAYS MINE EVEN WHEN YOU CLAIMED YOU NEEDED SPACE! YOU SAID YOU'D NEVER LEAVE ME THEN YOU LEFT!" His grip on her face loosen and he broke into sobs. He was no longer yelling but mumbling once again. It was incoherent to her. He looked her in the eyes and said "-but I knew! I knew even though you didn't speak to me for weeks and then you kissed that- that BOY! That you were coming back! That you were still mine!" He smiled, with tears in his eyes. "And here you are, you're back. You came back! I was right! You're mine. Always have been always will be." 

Madeline cried, but not in rejoicing that she was here with him but in fear that she was stuck here with her old flame and she'd probably never see anyone else she knew ever again. Even though he was holding her captive she had to admit, she pitied him. He was insane and feared being left alone without her. The best thing she decided, was to go along with the madness that was him. So "yes," she said, "yes, my love I'm yours" and smiled. Her kidnapper grabbed her a hug, kissed on the cheek, but left the ropes tied around her to keep where he wanted and stood up. 

"I have to do some errands," he said, " but I'll be back for you" and then left the Madeline in the dark room slamming the door hard. 

It was only then Madeline could truly breathe. She let out a relaxed breath and collapsed on the cold, hard, floor. There, she cried until she passed out and then dreamed of her life before this the boy she had kissed because he loved her. 

// End of second chapter. I changed a bunch of things in the first chapter as well. Tell me what you think, maybe? //  

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