Chapter Five

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He Watches Me

Chapter Five 


Madeline was dreaming about a memory..

James had just broken up with her. She was failing Chemistry. The only thing that could make Madeline feel better was her Aunt Caroline. She ran all the way from school with her bag in hand to her house. Once she was inside she called for her Aunt. Out of breath, she searched each room. The house smelled of old leftovers.  They hadn't cleaned in awhile. Thinking about how the house needed a desperate clean after she talked with Caroline, she realized, she hadn't seen her Aunt since yesterday. She'd guessed in being busy with her life she hadn't even thought about it till now. Her Aunt had gone on a date with a new guy she didn't really know anything about. Madeline had tried to warn her but Caroline had always been her own person and rarely talked out of anything she was determined about. 

Now frantic, she called out the name louder, and searched faster. With no luck, Madeline finally walked to the door that let to the back porch that was also a sun room. Music played faintly from the corner of the sun room. Her Aunt was sitting relaxed on one of the garden chairs placed in the room. Except this chair was placed in the center of the room. Which was weird because they never moved the chairs. Caroline was basically OCD about everything having a certain place.  Ignoring the weirdness, she said "Hey, there you are, didn't you hear me screaming for you?"

Her Aunt didn't hear. She should have heard Madeline yelling for her and just now. Concerned, Madeline shook her shoulder. Her Aunt's head fell forward, her body sloped to the side and only then did Madeline see the blood from her neck down. Aunt Caroline was dead. Her throat had been slit. Her lips had been sewn so she would smile. Which came off as eerie against the dullness of her eyes and the slack of the rest of her face. On the floor, partially covered in blood was another one of his notes left for her. It read "Appreciate  my addition? Does it make you want smile?"

Madeline fainted into darkness in her dream and began to wake back up to real life.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2016 ⏰

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