The Lunatic Yarn (foreword to my Dark Shadows Novel of the same name)

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Marry the merry and chastise the sad
Our sybil snared a Galahad
Her seams are crooked, the sewing bad,
Sewn on a lunatic wheel

Though poison lurk in stitch vermilion,
Go, lead her to the church cotillion
But scatter rosemary and Sweet William,
Vetch for a lunatic train

Then ring the matrimonial bell
And wish the wretched couple well
As they step lively down to hell,
Singing a lunatic song!

Now rend her cloth and smash her treadle
And cut that throat she used to wheedle
Damn the day she drew her needle,
And sewed the lunatic yarn!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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