Chapter 08

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Chapter 8
Swept Away

Three long days had passed. There had not been much time to rest with the uproar of a new war between the two neighboring countries. Lockridge—peaceful, devoted, and well upheld. Mortimus—once diplomatic was now feared, aggressive, and controlling. The tensions between the two were only growing more with each passing day. And although it has only been nearly a week, the days felt even longer and uncertain.

Cassia and her diplomats had reached Windermere and performed the services to lay her father to rest. The burial had been a grand affair, befitting a king and a beloved father. It was a closed funeral only for selected members from the castle and the priests to attend and pay their respects as the King's body was laid to rest, bringing prayers and honor to his memory.

She felt a mix of emotions as the burial was concluded. Deep sadness over the loss of her beloved father, and a looming dread for the upcoming war with Mortimus. But also... A sense of fulfillment and pride in the legacy he had built, and that she was now charged with carrying on. The hurt in her eyes was shielded with the purpose and strength she needed to uphold to lead as the next heir. Qualen could see the hardships she was enduring. Losing both her parents is never an easy motion to go through. Now, it was up to her to lead the people. In her heart, she knew that he was proud of her, and would be even prouder now that she was taking up the mantle as future queen of Lockridge. It was then that she felt the weight of her responsibility... The kingdom was now in her hands, and she knew that it would be a daunting task. But she was determined to honor every one of her father's legacy.

They had one more day at the shrine before heading back to Alexandria to begin the big issues. Cassia was deep in thought as she thought about the looming decision ahead of her. She knew that she would have to make some difficult decisions, both as a ruler and as a woman. Mortimus, Camus, war, marriage. Cassia was indeed surrounded by people who supported and looked out for her, but she knew in her heart that she would be the one to make the important choices for the future of Lockridge.

It was a lonely feeling. Cassia knew her father would expect her to make the right choice as the next ruler of their great kingdom. She felt that she must find her own way, make her own choice, and prove herself. And yet... She felt overwhelmed by the burden of the responsibility...

Nearby in Mortimus, Ty stood in a forest just outside a small hamlet, deep in thought and concentration. Sweat slowly dripped down one side of his face as he took his stance once more and lunged his sword at his opponent. Each swing was gracefully reflexed anticipating his every next move, gazing into the eyes of the man in front of him, thinking about when to block and to strike in every next move.

"I am immensely impressed at how fast you have learned." Pixo began, lowering his sword from the battle and returning it to its scabbard. "Let us return to the village for a meal."

Ty began walking beside him back to the village. It was only a short few days but Ty could already feel stronger, wiser, and skillful. Pixo was most certainly no amateur when it came to knowing how to successfully fight. Although he had to keep his mind focused on his training, his mind often wandered off thinking about the lone princess he had to leave back at Alexandria. He knew she was tending to numerous responsibilities, yet still, he hoped she was okay. Back at the village, he and Pixo both noticed the villagers all crowding around a grand pig roast they had just finished cooking. Ty observed that this village was a small quiet residence, most certainly nothing like Camus and the capital. These people were much like the ones in Ries. They tended to their hunting and farming duties, lived in small huts, and wore simple peasant clothing. They all worked as a team to see their small home thrive. Gathering around and sharing a hunt to eat was one of those heartfelt moments.

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