Baby, wish that you would hold me

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Harry walked into a crowded bar. He didn't know why he came here. He felt he had to come here. Besides, some wine wouldn't hurt. It was going to be a terrible day anyway. He had come to Rome to set things right. However, things were not going to be okay here. The gladiator games were going to start soon. He was disgusted by these games. It was a ridiculous game full of brutality. Neither Harry's heart nor his stomach could handle such things.

As he reluctantly moved through the crowd, he noticed the person sitting in the corner of the bar. Well, it would be impossible not to notice him in those clothes... Louis had to stop dressing like that immediately, he was distracting Harry.

"Still a demon then?" Harry asked, sitting down next to Louis.

"What? What kind of a question is that?" mocked Louis. His eyes were red and his tongue was lisping. It was obvious that he was drunk. What made him drink so much before it was even noon? "What else would I be, a hedgehog?"

"Don't make it so obvious that you're happy to see me, Louis."

Louis took a sip of his drink and smiled.

"Nice to see you Harry." He probably stayed in England for a long time. His pronunciation was just like theirs. "What on earth brought you here?"

"I don't know at all either," Harry admitted. Should I say, a voice inside me told me to come here and I met you? "What are you doing here?"

"They have great games, I came to watch them."

Great game? Were the gladiator games good? Oh Louis, what kind of traumas do you have?

"Do you want to go watch it with me? Of course, if you're not busy."

Harry was about to refuse. He was about to say these games are disgusting. But it didn't happen. When he looked into Louis' eyes, he realized how much he missed him. They hadn't spent time together for a long time. Harry missed this. Harry missed holding Louis' hand, talking to him, Louis' attempts to seduce him, even his cheeky jokes.

"We can go. It's been a while since we hung out together."

Louis looked like he wanted to say something but remained silent. It was not like Louis to remain silent. He was not one of those who think first and talk later. He preferred to think after speaking. His silence this time worried Harry. What could Louis be thinking? Was he angry with Harry? Or worse, was he upset with Harry?


Harry's guesses were correct. This game was terrible. This was obvious even though the game had just begun. Disgusting things were going to happen. Harry looked at Louis. He seemed to be quite enjoying what was going on. Blood and gore seemed to excite rather than disturb him. Harry couldn't remember ever feeling this uncomfortable in his life.

After about ten minutes, Harry was confused about what to do. The moment he looked at the field, his head started to spin. When he tried to look elsewhere, he heard voices and he felt like he's about to throw up. He felt like he was about to go crazy. What dirty minds people had! Could such a game exist? The purpose of games should be to have fun, not to cause pain!

"Louis, I feel so bad," muttered Harry, no longer able to open his eyes.

"Are you okay, darling? Louis was horrified when he looked at Harry. The poor angel was very pale and shaking. "What's wrong, Harry?"

"Let's go out," said Harry, biting his lip. "Please."

"Okay, let's go." said Louis, standing up.

"I can't get up, Louis." said Harry. He wanted to cry. He'd never felt anything like this before.

Ssh, calm down." Louis said. The angel looked like he was about to faint. "Harry, can I touch you?" he asked. Instead of answering, Harry nodded slightly. Louis tried to make Harry stand up by holding his arms.

"Good God " Harry muttered. "Louis, something is happening to me. I feel very nauseous, my ears are ringing. I can't see. What is happening to me? Oh my God! I am a-"

"You just need to calm down, love," Louis said calmly. "I shouldn't have brought you here. The only reason you feel this way is because you're an angel." He knew very well how Harry felt. He had experienced the same thing in the first few months in Hell. "I know you're an angel, special and all that, but I'm sorry, I don't care about your fucking rules." Louis said, holding His trembling increased even more. Although the fact that he was carrying an unconscious person in his arms attracted attention in the crowd, Louis' only concern was to save Harry from this torture pit. When he was sure that they were far enough away from the arena, he put Harry down on the ground.

Harry, are you okay, baby?" Louis asked, stroking Harry's back. When Harry woke up he was going to kill him. The angels' no-contact rule had been violated greatly. He liked this. He enjoyed touching Harry's silky skin. But Harry had made it clear enough in their last conversation that he didn't want to be with Louis. Harry opened his eyes slightly.

"Thank you," Harry whispered.

I didn't think you'd be that sick, it's my fault." said Louis, caressing Harry's cheek. It couldn't be said that he regretted this situation. After all, Harry was lying in his arms now, how could he regret it?

"I'm staying at an inn. Can you help me get there?" the angel asked in a whisper. He felt so tired that he could fall asleep even here.

"I will do anything to make up for my mistake," Louis said, his remorse evident in his voice and in his eyes.

"It wasn't your fault, Louis."

"I should have known better than to bring an angel to watch such a game, Harry."

"Everyone makes mistakes," the angel said kindly. "And no matter how disgusting the game was, it was nice spending time with you."

Yes, Louis had been expelled from heaven, but he was in heaven now. This place, next to Harry, was his heaven.

Walking around the streets of Rome chatting with Harry Styles was a moment Louis will never forget. So much so that he was very sad when they arrived at the inn. He was happy with Harry, he didn't want this moment to end. He didn't want to say goodbye to Harry and sit alone in his boring house listening to music.

"Are you feeling better now?" he asked, trying to help Harry lie down.

"I'm fine," said Harry quietly. "It was just a momentary illness, Louis. Believe me." Even though Harry was trying to convince Louis that he was fine, it was a fact that he was very afraid. He had never felt this bad before in his thousands of years of life.

"I'm going now. See you tomorrow maybe?"

"Yeah sure."

Louis took one last look at Harry and stood up from his seat. He was already very excited for their meeting tomorrow.


"Yes baby?"

"Don't go."

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