// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪-𝕤𝕚𝕩 //

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hiraeth - part seventy-six


       "Yes. Fuse with me, Zamasu."

Zamasu looked at Black in shock, before a solemn look crossed his face. Black was right. The only way they could even survive this is if they fought. Despite Zamasu wishing he could go back to living in peace with his master, those days were behind him. This was his fight as much as it was Black's; Zamasu was not going to lose this world, not when they were so close to peace. At the very least, Zamasu was happy he got to speak with Gowasu one final time, and get the closure he'd always yearned for.

Black and Zamasu stood protectively before Y/n, who could only watch in silent horror as she realized what was about to happen. There was nothing that could be done, no words that Y/n could say to stop Black. He was going to disappear forever, and there was nothing Y/n could do.

Black didn't dare look back into Y/n's eyes, he couldn't bear the sight of her pleading eyes. Despite his denial, in the end, Goku Black's true identity was Zamasu, and as a Kai, this personality he had formed in this body would disappear. Goku Black would disappear from this world, and become something greater than himself. At the very least, Black knew he would be becoming someone better for Y/n. This was all he could do for her now.

Zamasu removed the potara earring from his ear, moving it to his right ear. As soon as it was in place, it began to glow, Black's responding in turn. Black could almost feel Y/n's eyes burning holes into his back, begging him to find another solution, but there was no more to be found. He had to do this.

Black's eyes widened as his body suddenly jolted, being pulled towards Zamasu's. As his body glowed, the light beginning to engulf him, he could not help as his eyes met Y/n's, seeing only heartbreak in her eyes. That was the very last thing Goku Black saw, before everything faded in the light.

A bright light suddenly swallowed everything, blinding everyone. The light began to concentrate into a singular form, hands outstretched as a voice broke through the aura.

"My form is justice, and my form is the world," He spoke, his voice nearly identical to Zamasu's, only much more grand. "I am the invincible, the almighty, the divine. I am Zamasu."

The light faded to reveal a man much similar to Zamasu, but with an entirely different aura. He exuded a godly aura, shining brilliantly like a diamond. His aura expanded, seeping up his body, taking the shape of a large, grand halo. Zamasu smirked as he looked down on the mortals below, chuckling.

"Oh, how it fills me with joy to see you finally understanding my glory. I could torture you for all eternity if I so desired, but I seek not entertainment. I seek revenge," Zamasu glared, turning his anger onto Goku directly. "You mortals always think yourselves so high and mighty, challenging the Gods with your fickle morals. It disgusts me how easily you betray those you claim to love, even when given the chance to make things right. I like to think myself a merciful God, but I shall spare no mercy for you, and the last of your waste of breath race!"

Zamasu threw his arms out, bolts of lightning shooting forth from his halo. The ground crumbled, everyone scattering as Zamasu laughed maniacally. Goku dodged bolt after bolt as he tried to dive into a hiding spot, but was suddenly struck down. He let out a pain filled shrill, choking on his blood as he collapsed to the ground.

"Kakarot!" Vegeta called, rushing out to Goku's side. Scooping the Saiyan into his arms, Vegeta jumped behind cover, hiding behind a crumbling wall. Shin rushed to Goku's side, holding his arms out as he healed the struck Saiyan.

"Damnit, this is bad, we're screwed," Trunks paced back and forth, pulling on his hair. He could hear Zamasu's booming voice in the background, saying teasing things as if to anger them out of their hiding spot. And it almost worked on Trunks, if not for Gowasu speaking.

𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕖𝕥𝕙 // 𝕘𝕠𝕜𝕦 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕩 𝕘𝕠𝕙𝕒𝕟Where stories live. Discover now