Something Wicca This Way Comes

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A mid length brunette haired girl, Piper, walks in the front door of the manor. She takes off her jacket hurriedly hanging it up. She picked her bags up and walked towards her little sister who was coming down the stairs.

"Prue?" Piper called out while smiling at the blonde who returned it kindly. Penelope pointed towards the kitchen and as she did a shout came from it.

"In here, working in the chandelier" Prue, the eldest shouted through at her younger sister. Penelope took one of Pipers bag and walked to the kitchen with her.

"Sorry I'm late." Piper said walking into the kitchen to see Prue on a ladder trying to fix the light. Penelope followed Piper and placed the bag on the counter.

"What else is new? Piper, I would have been here to meet the electrician myself but you know I can't leave the museum until six. I didn't even have time to change." Prue sighed glancing down at her younger sisters.

"I just didn't realise how long I was in Chinatown. Did Jeremy call?" Piper asked, placing the bag she has in her hand on the kitchen counter.

"No, but he had some roses and a package delivered. What were you doing in Chinatown? I thought that you had an interview in North Beach." Penelope said, placing the bag she took on the counter.

"I did but I went to Young Lee market after my interview to get the ingredients for my audition recipe tomorrow." Piper said beginning to unpack the bags.

"So, that Wolfgang-puck knock-off didn't hire you then?" Penelope said, leaning on the counter opposite Piper. Piper, Penelope and Prue all walked out into the hallway, there was a big bouquet of rose and a box. Piper opened the box and pulled out a bottle of Port. Prue looked at it surprisingly.

"Jeremy sent you port?" Prue asked looking down at Piper with raised eyebrows. Penelope had the same expression glued to her face.

"The ultimate ingredient for my recipe. Oh my God, I don't believe it. Tell me that's not our old spirit board." Piper said then walked over to the board that lay on the dining table.

"Yeah, I found it in the basement when I was looking for the circuit tester." Prue said while Penelope ran her fingers over the letters then flipped the board to look at the little note on the back.

"'To my four beautiful girls. May this give you the light to find the shadows. The power of four will set you free. Love, Mom' We never did figure out what this inscription meant." Penelope smiled sweetly while reading the inscription.

"Well, maybe we should send it to Phoebe. That girl is so in the dark, maybe a little light will help." Prue said.

"You're always so hard on her." Piper sighed, watching the oldest sister.

"Piper, the girl has no vision, no sense of the future." Prue said, kinda sternly.

"Me and Penny think that Phoebe's coming around." Piper exclaimed trailing Prue back into the kitchen while dragging Penelope around as well.

"Well, as long as she doesn't come around here I guess that's good news." Prue said which caused Piper and Penelope to exchanged worried glances between each other. Prue walked off and began fiddling with the circuit tester.

"I don't get it. I have checked everything, there's no reason why the chandelier should not be working." Prue complained in frustration.

"You know how we've been talking about what to do with the spare room? I think you're right, we do need a roommate." Piper said and Penelope nodded slowly.

"We can rent the room at a reduced rate in exchange for some help around the house." Prue said not even looking at the two sisters standing with her.

"Phoebe's good with a wrench." Penelope said and Piper shot her a look but she shrugged in confusion.

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