I've Got You Under My Skin

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Penelope is sitting at Quake bar, chin in hand, looking around at passing people as Phoebe made her way to sit beside her twin.

Piper walks to stand in front of the twins in the other side of the bar, "I'm gonna kill him."

"Why?" Phoebe asked confused.

"Chef Moore. He, of the phony accent, hires me and then quits to open his new place. Thank you very much." Piper complains and Penelope stifles a laugh.

"I don't see any costumers complaining." Phoebe said, looking around at all the people.

"Hello, I am not a restaurant tour. I'm a chef. I have no idea what I'm doing. Are you wearing my dress?" Piper says before looking at the dress Phoebe is wearing. Brittany then comes up to the three.

"Hey Brittany. Ooh, I love that tattoo." Penelope said, pointing at her hand.

"Thanks." Brittany says, running her fingers over her tattoo.

"I thought it was illegal to get them in your hand because of the veins." Phoebe said, holding her hand up.

"In the States, yeah. I got it done in Tahiti." Brittany smiles before handing Piper some money, "Keep the change, Piper. I gotta jam."

"Okay, say hi to Max." Piper  smiled.

"Bye." Brittany said before walking away.

"Table nine please." Piper says to a waitress. Phoebe looks around from the place she's sitting before stiffening for a second, "Now back to my dress."

"Okay, see that poster boy to your left?" Phoebe said. Piper and Penelope both look, "Just glance, don't be so obvious."

"I approve, who is he?" Piper asked, looking back to Phoebe.

"His name is Alec and he's about to come over and ask if he could buy me a martini." Phoebe said, smiling.

"How do you know?" Piper asked, looking at Phoebe confused.

"Let's just say I saw the age old problem of who approaches who. I had a little premonition." Phoebe said, placing her chin in her hand.

"What? Phoebe, you are not supposed to use your powers, we agreed." Piper said, glancing around.

"No, you and Prue agreed. Me and Phoebe abstained." Penelope smiled, raising her eyebrows to her older sister.

"Besides it's not like I can control it, it just popped into my head." Phoebe shrugged, looking between her two sisters.

"That's the whole point. None of us can control our powers. That's what scares me. I could panic and freeze the whole place or Penelope could panic and make a burst of wind in here." Piper said.

"Don't jinx me." Penelope scowled, pointing playfully at her older sister who laughed slightly.

"Shh, here he comes." Phoebe said, seeing the man supposedly named Alec walking over.

"I was just sitting go over there, wondering if I could buy you a martini or something." Alex asked.

"Martini, hmmm. Imagine that." Phoebe said, making a face at Piper who rolled her eyes, "I would love one. It's Alec, right?"

"Yeah, how'd you know my name?" Alec asked, confused.

"Wild guess." Phoebe said before placing her hand on his upper arm, "Do you wanna grab a table?"

"Yeah." Alec nodded with a smile.

"Prue is going to be pissed." Piper said to Phoebe as she was getting up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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