part 4 of 6

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(they still havent find lucy)

Angela: serge we have a problem with this lucy case

Sgt grey: what is it?

Angela: i found out that 8 years ago she was working in a drugslab she was forced to work there by her parents they are locked up she wasent charged because she never touched the drugs or did anything but maybe if we can talk to her parents we might be able to find where she is?

Sgt grey: im so sorry Angela, her parents died a year ago so they cant help we have to talk to this Chris guy go call wesley okay?

Angela: on it sir

(Angela calls wesley and they talk wesley will send Chris to her)

Chris: so why do i have to be here i dont know that girl lucy i dont know her can i go

Angela: she is missing we found her fingerprints in ur appartement

Chris: o and u dont think she might have broken in to steal stuff she was addicted to drgs

Angela: ao you do know her

Chris: no it says it richt here on her file

(Angela sees it fk hes right)
Angela: i am sorry for wasting ur time

(What happend with lucy 2 weeks ago after Chris left

Fk how am i going to get out of here she walked outside of the hut and looked around there were footsteps on the mud yes she thought i can escape this forest

(she followed them and after 5 hours she got out of the forest and kept walking she was so tired she asked a homeless man if she could sleep in the same spot he was staying she could when she wake up her gun was gone and the man)

No shit my gun its gone i better go walking i hope i can find the Police station i am done with this i want a roof over my head and i dont care if ist prison i cant live like this
(Lucy cries)
Tamara: hey are you okay? My names tamara whats urs

Lucy: Maddy im sorry i just dont know what to do i live on the streets i guess?

Tamara: o me too come with me my friends can help u can stay with us

Lucy: o thanks
(They go to the place were tamara lives)

Tamara: hey guys this is maddy she will be living here with us!

Everyone: Hi Maddy

Maddy: thanks tamara

(Back at the station)
Angela: hey tim ur back feeling better

Tim: yea but ive been shot a lot more times so yeah just hurts because its someone we kno

Angela: i know it hurts tim but we got cctv of Lucy at **** she been there a few times this week shes hiding close wanna go there?

Tim lets go but undercover so they dont recongnise us straight away?

Angela: good isea lets go

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