part 6 of 6

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Nyla: lucy come wit hus we are going to ask you some questions ur lawyer is not here yet u are allowed to wait unti he is here it is your choice

maddy: i can talk withouth him he will kill me i can better do this alone

Nyla: okay follow me

(lucy follows nyla)

Angela: what is your real name we kno wits not lucy chen

Maddy: my real name is maddy…

Angela: okay maddy, why did you run away a year ago wen i told you about the case just so you know tim forgives you for shooting him yu were scared and the drug comany from your parents is something we will not charge you for it is just about the case okay do you understand that?

Maddy: yes, when i was asked to help you with the case i was happy i wanted tob e a detective, but when i saw the picture and the name i got scared but when you told me about my ex chris i knew i was in touble you would find out who i was eventually and i was scared so i left all my stuff and ran chris found me and took me to his apartment and put me in te basement i managed t eskape you guys saw me i got scared i shot tim i didnt mean to shoot him.

(maddy cries)

Angeka: its okay breathe take a deep breath and continue

Maddy: i ran but chris found me again and he kidnapped me put me in a little house in te forest i eskaped after really long and met tamara she was so nice i cant believ she did it fort he money and then you guys found me i knew i couldnt run my gun was stolen i had nothing i know what i did was wrong and i deserve to go to prison but please keep chris away from me

Angela: why do you think he willl kill you

Maddy: i can show u but you cant tell anyone

Angela: okay

Maddy shows angela all of the bruises and stuff he did to her

Maddy: when you guys came to my appatment 7 years ago he di dit only sometimes after that it was every day i was to scared to call you

Angela: maddy listen when he comes here he will be arrested immedeatly okay i pomise for now i will talk to sgt grey wait here a few min okay

Maddy: sure

Angela leaves but after a few min chris enters the room

Chris: you little b!sh

Chris hits maddy

Chris: you are going to pay fot his

Chris doesnt seee that tim enters the room

Tim: chris sanfor you ae under arrest for abuse on a police officer you have the right to remain silent and if u cant afford a lawyer we will assign you one everything you was can and will be used against you.


Chris manages to kick maddy but tim takes him away and maddy cries

Angela: hey hey maddy are you okay?

Maddy: yeah i im okay but could you maybe call me lucy if thats okay i dont feel comfortable it reminds me of my past

Angla: its okay i will let everyone kow to call you lucy

Maddy/lucy: thanks

(angela leaves but tim is still in the room)

Lucy: hey umhh.. i i im so so sorry i shot you i didn mean to

Lucy cies a little

Tim: hey hey its kay i understand i wanted to apologise for how mean i was to you i can maybe ask grey if u become a rokie again u can keep being a police officer

Lucy: u would do that omg tysm! If it doesnt work out its okay

Tim: i will look into it

Angela enters he room

Angela: i just talked to sgt grey u can keep being a police officer but u arent allowed tob e alone and u wont have a off duty weapon for 3 monts after that u are allowed to ride alone and have a off duty weapon is that okay? And u have to get a legal document with ur changed name

Lucy: i have that and that is okay who am i riding with fort he next 3 monts?

Tim: i can do that?

Angela: great i will tell sargeant grey

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