Chapter 5

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The wait for Darren's parents' yearly bash was charged with excitement, promising a day of familiar vibes and fresh moments. As the day unfolded, moving from boating to dinner and finally a bonfire, Bella felt a mix of thrill and uncertainty.

Miles's message added an unexpected layer, leaving Bella with a curious mix of nerves. She invited Roni for a low-key makeover, turning the prep into a bonding moment. Roni, equally thrilled, seized the chance to glam Bella up, knowing both would attend with their respective dates.

Feeling the weight of the upcoming encounter with Miles, Bella also asked Wyatt to join her. The prospect of facing the past made her seek comfort in not being alone. Wyatt agreed, and they decided to meet there.

After an hour and a half of getting ready with Roni, she left, leaving Bella to mull over the evening. The boat, filled with countless memories, loomed as Bella arrived, triggering a wave of nostalgic thoughts.

Spoting Wyatt after a while, Bella searched for any sign of Miles. A pang of uncertainty hit her – what if he didn't show? Pushing the thought away, she greeted Wyatt and engaged in light chat. Yet, Miles remained elusive.

As the day unfolded, Bella's internal struggle grew. Wyatt, sensing her unease, asked about their approach to the party. Unsure, Bella hesitated. In a lucky moment, she spotted Miles approaching the boat, accompanied by a more mature-looking Mave.

Caught off guard, Bella made a quick decision. Turning to Wyatt with newfound determination, she said, "Yeah, let's do this, Wyatt." They entered the party arm in arm, a duo set to face the echoes of the past, even if it meant navigating the night with the facade of a fake date, a strategy to ease potential awkwardness with Miles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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