Episode 4: Unleashed

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June 9: 2047 7:24AM
Dante is meditating in his room the fire flows in his palms and his thought is deep, he thinks of Genji and a mysterious woman named Mika and Genji in sorrow as she dies in his arms, his flames blow away and Dante opens his eyes distraught and bothered
Meanwhile Bella and Erika come out of the elevator and see Anlon is doing push-ups on the middle of the dojo mat, they walk down the stairs to meet him
Bella: Morning Anlon.
Anlon: Morning.
Anlon stands up from the push-ups to see the girls face to face
Erika: Is it true you defeated Emma?
Anlon: Yeah, but it wasn't easy, I never met someone who had a similar amount of Chi as mine, without her talent we were almost equals for the entire fight...
Bella: You're amazing Anlon, is there something you can't do?
Anlon: Umm... I can't swim.
Erika: For real?
Anlon: There's a lot of things I can't do, I'm only human after all.
At that moment Emma, Sekiro and Luna come from the kitchen hall to down the stairs
Luna: What are you guys talking about?
Bella: We still can't believe Anlon defeated Emma, like both of them have similar chis and are equally as skilled, they could be siblings...
Emma smiles nodding her head
Emma: I wouldn't mind, I always wanted a big brother...
Anlon: I have a big sister back in Japan, but I also wanted a little sister to take care of.
Dante comes from the hallways and meets the group
Dante: Hey guys...
The group looks back to Dante
Luna: Hey, how are you feeling?
Dante: A bit better, thanks...
Erika: Wait what happened? Did you get sick?
Dante: No but when I do I'll call you, I just had a nightmare and couldn't sleep well, this time I could thanks to Anlon's pep talk last night
Anlon: Glad I could help...
In that Moment Sekiro begins to feel a hot and angry presence, He tilts his head in discomfort, he looks up to see a shadow begins to appear behind Anlon as he is closest to the big pane window, Sekiro reacts quickly to move Anlon out of the way but it doesn't work as the Glass window suddenly explodes pushing everyone down to the floor and everything goes black


Anlon begins to regain consciousness, he struggles to get up and feels pain on his back then realizes he has glass shards stuck on his back, The smoke clears and there's a metal Giant behemoth around 9 feet tall with glowing yellow eyes, the creature is very pissed off, Anlon looks up to the new creature confused at what it is
The creature looks at Anlon angrily and it clenches its fist, everyone wakes up and sees the creature as well, Anlon struggles to get up from the back pain, the beast clenches its fist and goes to punch Anlon killing him, Luna extends her hand and creates a psionic shield protecting Anlon, The beasts punch hits the shield and barely hurts it
The creature looks at Luna who is getting up and getting angry, Luna charges at the creature and spear attacks him taking him out of the dojo, they quickly fall 24 stories down into the street below
Luna and The creature then have a hard landing, the beast on the ground and Luna on top of a hovering taxi, the beast bounces around the streets until it rolls on the floor, the people around begin screaming from the jump-scare, the beast by placing his hand on the floor cracks the street below
Luna opens the door of the futuristic taxi and falls to the floor, she gets up, her purple shirt shows some tears but she is unharmed, she sees the beast from a distance is getting up and gets mad then it roars to her, She then runs charging to the beast, the giant then looks at a car beside him with a woman and a child inside and grabs it throwing it at Luna
She sees the woman and kid inside and uses telekinesis to stop it and land it safely, she places the car beside her and makes a psionic Spear then throws it at the beast, it explodes pushing the beast back, the people around are amazed as they hide then Luna checks on the mother and the child
Luna: Are you guys ok?
The mother nods her head, Luna looks to her left as she sees the beast is charging at her very quickly, Luna crosses her arms preparing for the impact, the beast throws a powerful punch *Boom*

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