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Tyler sat down on her couch as she had her dark brown eyes embedded into the television that displayed reruns of Full house. She had been extremely quiet for the last 2 days, and her sister definitely noticed it but she chose to give her sister her space.

Over the years Tyler had never felt guilty about keeping Khalil's existence away from Khari. Once the couple of times she did try to reach out, she gave up and lived the single mother life with the support of her dad and sister. But recently seeing them side by side she started to feel bad about it and didn't know what to do. Once upon a time Khalil definitely asked about his dad and Tyler always avoided the topic or simply told him that he was away. But the older he got the harder it was for her to lie so she just told him the truth only leaving out the part on who his father actually was. She always just responded that he wasn't important, and Khalil settled with that.

Tyler was snapped out of her thoughts when she felt her cozy blanket being lifted up and a warm body next to her. She looked over seeing Khalil getting cozy next to her with his phone in his hand. "You good?" He asked her without looking.

"Yeah, why?" She asked raising an eyebrow, Khalil had never asked her that and the soft tone he asked it in alerted her.

"You just seem off, tryna make sho' you straight thats all." He shrugged. "You ain't cook in two days something gotta' be wrong." He added making her chuckle softly.

"Yo' ass just hungry. You can order some wingstop." She said knowing that was his go-2 whenever she didn't cook.

"Bet, you getting your usual?" He asked and she nodded her head and he ordered the food online being sure to use her card and not his. In the midst of him ordering his food, his friend had just so happened to call causing him to suck his teeth and decline it only for him to call right back.

"Waddup?" Khalil answered as if he hadn't just declined the first call.

"Khari posted yo' ass on his instagram bro." Zion informed putting Khalil on pause before his phone dinged with a message from him.

"Be cool, moms right here." Khalil said before going to the message then his instagram, seeing Khari had definitely reposted his picture. It was the picture they took outside of Brunch Junkie and the story after was Khari reposting one of Khalil's highlights he had on his page which caused a big smile to plaster upon his face.

"My fault ma dukes." Zion apologized. "Onna' real though, he need to scroll and repost my stuff."

Khalil and leaned over and showed his mom, handing her the phone. "That was nice." She said softly.

"Ma' we gone make it out the hood." Khalil said smiling.

"boy, i already got us out the hood." She responded causing him to drop his smile and side eye her.

"Let me be great." He said with a straight face, and she just held a small smile and shook her head.

"Yall lowkey favor each other." Zion mumbled.

"We just black." He shrugged not giving the statement much thought, but Tyler definitely did.

Meanwhile Khari was out with his boys as they discussed the boy who he had posted. They were amazed at his ball handling and his shooting. "Where you found this kid at?" His teammate Benson asked him as he now stalked the young boy's page.

"I ran into someone i had dealings with back at home and this her son." He informed as he thought about Tyler.

"Don't tell me this a maybe baby." Benson joked causing the men to laugh.

"They do kind of favor." John agreed.

"Hell nah, ian see chick in about a good fifth teen years, she woulda' been reached out if that was my kid." Khari disagreed. "He shoot like me though, but thats just how that go when you look up to somebody." Khari shrugged.

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