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Instead of the boy Jakob (Jake) a girl is born. One tragic night she comes home and finds her dead grandpa with her dead parents lying on the floor. There eyes were missing. Traumatized she takes a few of her belongings, together with the birthday present her granddad had bought her 3 months before her birthday and the rest of the money. The police, she called minutes after finding the eyesless corpses, arrives earlier that expected and while she tries to explain them the weird things she has seen, they nervously take the bodies and give her a number that will be calling with further information.

Tired she drives to the nearest hotel, almost runs down a black man with grey hair and collapse on the bed. Tears fall from her eyes on the wrapped gift in her hands. Hesitantly she rips it open and finds a book inside. She signs, a book, really? She opens it and a letter falls out.

Open if I died in a non natural way

With trembling hands she slowly folded the envelope open to reveal a cream
coloured letter.

Dear y/n

I'm sorry you have to go through this. This letter must mean the Hollowgasts must have found me. Only know, that if my eyes were missing it was them. I love you very much y/n, I always will.

More tears flodded her eyes making it almost impossible to continue reading what was left from her beloved grandfather.

The book in this envelope should give you more answers than I ever gave you.
I will always be with you.

Abraham Portman

With that she went to sleep.

Alma LeFay Peregrine Where stories live. Discover now