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THE GROUP OF KIDS were now getting ready to sleep on the train, after a round of rock paper scissors Percy and Vivianne lost and had to sleep on the floor while the other two got to take the bunks

It was freezing and the small blanket they were given was not helping Vivianne warm up, her teeth chattered as she attempted to warm herself by rubbing her hands together

The boy next to her noticed what she was doing and passed his flannel for her to wear, the girl muttered a small 'thank you' before she put it on herself and fell asleep

Percy couldn't sleep due to a reoccurring nightmare he kept having so he killed some time by conversing with Annabeth until they accidentally woke up a grouch Grover and Vivianne

"You awake" Percy whispered trying not to wake the girl next to him, "Well I am now thanks" stretching Grover replied

"Are you okay?" Percy sounded genuinely concerned "He's super grouchy when he doesn't get enough sleep, so does that one" Annabeth pointed at Vivianne

"He's super grouchy when he doesn't get enough nyah!" Grover mimicked the girl below him waking up Vivianne "Grover shut up your interrupting my beauty sleep" Vivianne through one of her shoes at the boy

"Ow and you're the daughter of aphrodite you don't need beauty sleep" he threw the shoe back at the girl

"You've never been on the road with these two before , a little different then a froofy boarding school" Annabeth looked over at the blonde boy "Who's froofy? You're froofy? What's froofy? I think i need to eat" Vivianne groaned half-asleep she spoke "Grover for the love of gods please go back to bed or i will throw my other shoe"

A few minutes passed and Vivianne could not fall asleep so she grabbed her blanket and quietly opened the door to go sit out in the chairs, the sun was about to rise it was a pretty sight to look at

The girl felt someone sit next to her, it was Percy "can't sleep huh?" softly smiling she replied "yeah it was too cold in there" Vivianne re-wrapped the blanket on herself

"Hey Viv can i ask yo-" the girl cut him off "It's cold here" she spread the blanket onto the two "What were you gonna say sorry?" the boy's face flushed

"Uhm just a question" the girl nodded "Are you scared?" Percy looked down at his lap "Scared of what Perce?" the girl asked, looking over at him

"The quest, I know Annabeth has been waiting for this day and Grover is probably used to this but what about you?" The blonde looked up from his lap waiting for an answer "Well, yeah i am scared but I just face it, for me i'm trying to prove to everyone that i'm not only my mother's daughter because of my looks" Vivianne answered

Percy slightly smiled "Well i think you're doing a very good job at it, like back at bus and at medusa's that was cool" Vivianne laughed and muttered out a 'thank you'

"I'm gonna go and wash up" Percy got up and gave the girl some space to leave, before walking out she took a look at the boy "And Perce it's okay to be scared, i'll always be by your side" Percy felt the same weird sensation from last time when she left

Vivianne snapped herself into a pink long sleeve with a matching white zip-up and flare pants, before taking a seat next to Percy

"Two days until we reach Los angeles, plenty of enough time before our deadline to reach the Underworld" Grover sighed in relief

"Can i ask a dumb question?" Vivianne took her eyes off of her mirror, "It's like you need her to make fun of you" she pointed at Annabeth

"I've never been to Los angeles and i'm guessing neither of you have been to Los angeles, so how will we know how to get there?" Percy asked a genuine question

ENCHANTED BY YOU   -  percy jackson Where stories live. Discover now