Clean-up Crew

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Clashing booms rumbled all around Danny. Currently he was stationed in metropolis, it was temporary. The Job site fluctuated between Gotham and Metropolis.

As another rumble shook the ground little pieces of rubble rained down. Danny discreetly used his powers to shield citizens and led them away with police help. He then tended to the injured.

All in all, the fight didn't last long and the heroes did their jobs. Danny just wished that they had finished the fight sooner. The sun was already starting to go down by the time the clean up crew even had a chance to start.

Danny sighed as he moved big chunks of rubble and put them in the back of a truck. the buildings would need to be stabilized, again.

Danny did the jobs that would be hard to do without powers. His coworkers didn't mind and were all very tight lipped when it came to Danny's abilities.

Danny got along well with everyone.

"I'm gonna go fix those buildings foundations!" Danny called out.

"Alright Danny, we'll be here!" Tom called. Tom wasn't just a coworker, but a close friend. The friendship had started because Tom hadn't liked to here the word no and had dragged Danny around. After a while Tom kind-of grew on Danny.

"Don't forget to join us at the club! I heard drinks are twenty five percent off tonight!"

Several men cheered.

"Alright! I will!" Danny called back knowing full well he probably wouldn't.

Danny entered the first building and immediately noticed all the cracks. He filled them with a fast drying ectoplasmic substance. As long as each crack was filled in the building would be fine.

Danny went on to the next one. This one wasn't in good shape. If that villain from earlier had hit this building one more time the foundation wouldn't have held up.

Danny got to work filling in the holes. Replacing chunks of ground the t were missing and fixing toppled support beams. He had just finished when he heard a quiet sniffling sound.

"Hello?" Danny called out.

Nobody answered. Danny followed the sniffling sound to a small boy curled up. He was clearly terrified.

Danny kneeled down.

"Hey kid, are you okay?"

Danny's words were soothing and instantly made the boy want to trust him. This was a ghost skill called leading, it was meant to be used on lost souls, but Danny used it mostly on traumatized people.

Danny held the boy in his arm and left the buildings basement.

"Hey guys, I found a kid, I'm gonna go take him to the police station so I don't think I'll make it to Club tonight"

Several groans filled Danny's ears, he just smiled at them all before walking towards the station.

"Your gonna be just fine kid" Danny said.

"I'm sorry" the boy whispered.

Danny heard it but chose to ignore it. The kid clearly hadn't wanted Danny to hear his apology and he definitely didn't want a lecture.

"Here we are" Danny said as they walked inside.

"Excuse me"

An officer turned to him.

"What can I do for you son?"

Danny set the boy down.

"Found this kid hiding out near where the fight happened with the villains. I brought him here so you could find his parents"

The police officer wrote it down.

"Alright we'll take him from here"

Danny thanked the officer before leaving.

He wondered if there was still a bus station open. If not he would just have to walk to Gotham.

Not his best idea. Once he finally got back into Gotham he made his way to his apartment.

The sound of obnoxious laughter caught his eye and he tired his best to steer clear of the men, he caught one of their eyes anyway.

The next thing he knew he was wheeled against a wall. The guy pinned Danny with his arm.

"Aren't you a little young to be walking all alone in the dark"

Danny grimaced as the man pulled out a knife.

He would normally faze through a wall or something but he could feel the eyes of a vigilante watching.

Why he wasn't jumping in immediately was beyond Danny.

The man placed the knifes blade on Danny's cheek.

"This is a pretty face for a guy, are you an escort?"

Danny raised an eyebrow.

"I'm a janitor"

The man laughed causing his friends nearby to also laugh. Danny was starting to get pissed off. The vigilante was just watching!

Fed up Danny head butted the guy before making a break for it.

"Ah crap, get him! Go!" The man yelled. The two men took after Danny. Danny took sharp turns easily evading them.
He managed to loose them after a while and make it back to his apartment.

Heroes were jerks sometimes! They made messes that they didn't clean up, they never double checked the sight they fought at, they ignored the cleaning crew!

Vigilantes worked as silently as possible, usually left a very small mess  if any at all, but they hardly intervened or stepped up if the timing wasn't just right because they liked dramatic entrances.


Danny huffed as he scrolled through news articles.

"Super Man saved the day" Danny mocked the headline.

"Nothing about the clean up crew who did most of the work!" Danny grumbled. what a joke!

He didn't know why he bothered. At least his parents had been quiet lately. They tended to be very loud and boasterous.

Since moving to Gotham their focus has shifted from ghosts to supervillains and study some of their genetic makeup.

That didn't mean they were any less obsessed with ghost hunting as Danny would soon find out tomorrow. Goodbye peaceful bliss.

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