Curtains Rise

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Y/N Pov:

"I... I was running, right....," I whispered to myself, furrowing my brows as I reminded myself of what had occurred prior to my fall


"Y/N, are you ready? Your performance is next after the stage is set," the director hollered as she proceeded to uncap her lipstick from its casing, twirling the tube quickly then applying the matte color onto her lips, smacking them as she recapped it. The director's eyes glowered towards me with a bit of impatience while I shuffled into position to walk on stage.

"20 seconds," she huffed looking at her watch, "I believe we've talked about your timing, yes?" Her voice was stern, annoyed really, as she grabbed my shoulder roughly tugging it back to make me slightly see her in the corner of my eyes. 'Yes, we did, huh....' I thought to myself as her nails seemed to dig into my skin, making me bite my tongue to stop myself from saying anything I shouldn't.

"Don't let this mistake mess up your performance. You're lucky the audience enjoys your little part or else my daughter would be in your place," she spoke, gripping my shoulder harder. I groaned to myself silently, knowing full well that her daughter wouldn't make it even a second onstage before the crowd started to crumble under her "performance". I moved from her grasp walking towards the edge of the stage that wasn't visible from the audience. 

"I know," I glanced back at her, my voice cold in speaking the reply. The orchestra began to play the start of my song, its melody soothing my mind as my expression relaxes. Looking at the stage, I took a breath and stepped forward as my (f/c), (o/d) shimmered under the stage lights. My performance was simple, yet entrancing: I'd hum the start of the song, bringing the audience towards me as I fluidly motioned my arms over my face only revealing my (e/c) eyes. I fluttered across the stage, the steps of my shoes echoed as I sang. Whenever I'm on stage, it feels almost heavenly... if it weren't for those eyes that stared at me with such hostility, and I know who they belong to. You know that feeling you get when someone wants to destroy you so badly but can't, so they proceed to drill holes into the back of your head, yeah.... It's most uncomfortable BUT I'm used to it after these years of being a part of this circus crew.

As I finish my performance, I spread out my arms and finally take my last breath, my chest heaving when I bow. The crowd applauses loudly while the orchestra begins to rise from their chairs to start bringing the instruments in. The curtains finally fall, letting me stand up properly. I walked off stage, exhausted from the performance and head to the dressing room to wear something a bit more comfortable. 

"Where is my sweater?" I asked myself aloud, rifling through the hangers. Smiling, I pulled my sweater off the hanger and put it on. It was a bit oversized but comfortable, nonetheless. Choosing a pair of pants to go with it, I step out of the room and unexpectedly was greeted with a familiar face.

"Carol, nice to see that you've found time to talk to me," a condescending tone escaping from my mouth. She didn't seem to enjoy it one bit as her smug face seemed to turn into a scowl.

"Who could possibly want to spend time on you?" She scoffed, flipping her hair passed her shoulder.

"Well, what has graced me with your presence?" I smirked, leaning onto the doorframe my arms crossed. I didn't want this to last too long and was pretty eager to leave.

"Mom wanted to see you," she muttered before giving me a sly grin, "She said it was pretty urgent." I sighed as I looked up to the ceiling, rubbing my face roughly. 

"Alright, thanks," I spoke quickly, walking down the hall to her office. I don't know if it was that serious, but I had hoped it'd at least wasn't bothersome. I approached the director's office door and for some reason it felt almost ominous to even open it. Letting out a breath I turned the knob of the door, turning it slowly as I pushed the door open.

"Took you long enough," the director spoke, her 'claws' tapping the table in a rhythmic pattern. The light from her phone lit up her face: her matte lipstick dull with cracks, sharp carnivorous eyes read whatever was on her phone as she slowly looked up from it to look at me. I nearly forgot to breathe if it weren't for her setting down her phone onto the table, a soft thump was heard as she set it down. I put on a smile, trying to hide my nervousness. It seemed to work from her expression of irritation that crawled onto her face.

"Did you need... something, Director?" I spoke with a smile, my (e/c) eyes half-lidded; relaxed really. 

"We will be reducing your total pay by 10%," she replied coldly, "This shouldn't be much of a surprise as the number of people has increased to watch you recently." I looked at her, my eyes widening slightly.

"That doesn't exactly explain why you're reducing my pay, ... ma'am. Shouldn't it be vice versa?" I asked, my smile becoming fairly crooked from the disbelief. 'What is she thinking?' I asked myself. She sighed, picking up a few documents as if to tidy them up.

"I don't think you have a reason to be upset after all it's not like you use the majority of the money you make, do you?" she ended her sentence in a condescending question. I do make a good amount, probably more than a middle-class worker with a family could make in his annual salary but it doesn't make sense as to why she would reduce my check. I only get paid every six months compared to my other colleagues who get paid every two months. Now that I think about it, how did she know I wasn't using it for myself.

"Who told you?" I asked her, my eyes narrowed towards her as her face lit up in a more sinister look.

"I know you're fairly GENEROUS, but what is the point of having all that money if you don't use it for yourself. I'm sure the charities that you've assisted would understand if you weren't able to give them more than before, right?" Of course, they would still accept it, but it still pissed me off that she thought I would just accept that as an excuse after knowing where the rest of my money was going. 

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