Chapter 3

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I jolted awake and almost got whiplash from shooting up so hard. I look next to me and see Rae is still sound asleep. 

"Get up girls! Let's get our asses on the moooveee!" Yells Eric from the other side of the door.

I stretch my arms up and realize how tense I feel. Even my body knows what's coming of the next few days. 

I reach my hand on Rae's shoulder and say, "Rae get up, we gotta get ready to go."




"Bitch if you don't wake up I will-"

"Okay, first of all, I am awake," she states opening one eye and looking at me from down on the bed. "And second of all, who you calling bitch, Bitch?"

We both laugh and start to get ourselves ready for the excursion. Once we have our shit packed, I realize how awful my mouth tastes. Rae and I smoked a joint before going to bed, and the after taste is quite horrendous. I walk out of my bedroom and into the bathroom to brush my teeth. 

As I am brushing, the door opens, and I glance expecting to see Rae. 

"Good morning Sunshine," smirks, you guessed it, Ricky. 

I continue to brush my teeth as I just blankly stare at him. I am going to be with him ALL day for 2 days, so I am deciding right here and now to ignore this motherfucker and not let him get a reaction out of me. 

I turn back to the sink and spit out my toothpaste as he says, "Can I borrow that since you're done?" Referring to my toothbrush. 

I look him dead in his stupid perfect crafted face and say, "Is that what you say to guys before sleeping with their ex?" 

Fuck, so much for not giving him a reaction Danni. 

For a second, insult crossed over Ricky's face. And then he went right back to smirking and as I leave the bathroom he says, "Someone sounds jealous." 

I storm into my room and spot Rae dressed up in her cute ass vacay clothes. Her smile drops when she sees my face. 

"Danni, what's wrong?" She hands me my fully packed bag 

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. "I don't know how I am going to live 2 full days being stranded on a boat with that prick."

Rae chuckles a little and says, "I will help you push him off the boat when needed."

And that is why she is my best friend of 14 years. 


After everyone running around the house grabbing last minute stuff and a teary goodbye from mom, we were off. Ricky was driving us to the marina since he has the only car that will fit all 6 of us. 

"Turn right... Wait no LEFT!" Screams Rae from behind Ricky's head. She is trying her best to give Ricky directions to Tom's house.

"Jesus, Rae," he grumbles in clear annoyance. 

I laugh, because my best friend is not only adorable, she is pissing off Ricky for me. I glance over at Rae as she motions for me to lean over to her, which I do.

She cups her hand and whispers in my ear, "Do you think it would be too much trouble to let Tom sit with me in this row on the way there?"

I look at our row and Eric and Annie's row, which the third seat for both is full of our bags and other water stuff, and then to the only other empty seat in the car; the passenger seat. 

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