Chapter 1: The Runaway

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After the events of Armageddon, Smoke and Scorpion escape Bi-Han's wrath and his army of Lin Kuei assassins. The two end up in the snowy mountains to law low for the next couple of weeks. After three weeks, the two of them were out of breath, Kuai Liang rests for a moment to drink water while Tomas sits, "After we drink water we should keep going so our brother doesn't catch up." the two gets up from resting. As days and weeks went by, Tomas and Kuai hunt for water and food, "Look Kuai there's a deer we need to cook it like mother and father taught us when we were kids." they kill the deer and attach it to a long stick to cook. Once it was fully cooked, the started eating and get water from the waterfall. As the two keep walking, they find their way out of the mountains and arrive at Japan. Exhausted from the journey the two had endured, Smoke and Scorpion end up at their childhood friend's house. Scorpion knocks on the door as a beautiful woman with long brown hair opens the door, "Hello Kuai and Tomas how are you both?" Tomas and Kuai stay silent for a moment as Kuai speaks, "Hello Harumi we are truly sorry for intruding and crashing at your place like this." She expresses, "Don't be come in make yourselves at home." Smoke shows his gratitude, "Thank you Harumi we are truly sorry for crashing at your place like this" with her responding, "It's okay Tomas it is not your fault your brother is a cold heartless person no pun intended. He shouldn't have treated you both this way." Kuai Liang interrupts their conversation, "Tomas I'm gonna go take a shower and you should too we stink pretty bad." His brother laughs, "Okay I'll be right there." he gets up from the couch so he can get his stuff. Harumi begins to make dinner for the two, "I think the two love ramen and would love to have it with sauce." As the two get cleaned up, they see Harumi made them dinner, "Thank you for making us food." they say in unison. Sub-Zero trains his clan for the day he faces his brothers in battle and promises them to make them suffer for their betrayal, "I want you all to be powerful so my brothers won't survive." giving his clan a cold glare.

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