Chapter Three: Cadence Rising

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Kim's body pulses, nerves prickling with the need for touch, stimulation, to feel the divots in Macau's muscles and bones, to run his fingertips across the different textures of his skin, the shape and feel of his cock in Kim's hand.

He's breathing hard like he never does, and there is saliva at the corner of Macau's mouth that Kim leans in and catches on the tip of his tongue. Macau turns his lips into his tongue, takes it into his mouth the way Kim had done for him, and Kim's hands find their way to rest around Macau's throat.

He squeezes gently, pulls a moan from Macau, and when Macau leans into the reminder that Kim was raised to be a weapon, everything within him unravels.

He pulls back, plants a final kiss on Macau's lips, and gets both of them on the bike as fast as humanly possible.

He can't drive the way he did to get to the bar because his bike carries two and one of them is precious cargo, but he has an apartment building he personally owns with a safe condo at the top of it another forty minutes away.

An hour and twenty minutes from where he lives.

Just get Nong to a safe place and stay with him if you need to!

An odd text, coming from Chay...

Kim is Kim and so he doesn't falter when he feels one of Macau's hands leave his waist, slipping down slowly until his shy palm smooths across Kim's thigh. There's hesitation, and then Macau's hand slips to the inner seam of Kim's jeans, fingers pressing as he slides up, up, until he rests his palm against Kim's hard cock and presses, rubs, leans his head against Kim's back as his own hips rut forward.

Kim feels like he might catch fire, feels like he might come in his pants like a teenager just from this sloppy, drunk, over-the-clothes hand job, because the thought of Macau so turned on, wanting Kim so badly, so much more easily than Kim could ever have expected, makes him burn.

Could it always have been this easy? Just to take his lonely cousin and fuck him, take this inexperienced boy and teach him how to kiss, how to suck cock, how to be fucked? How to ride Kim and please him, to be good and let Kim's hands settle on his throat and leave bruises on his hips and thighs...

Because Macau is easy and wanting, and with the way Kim has denied himself this, with how it's built up beneath his skin, how it's rested in him, burning, anticipating the day he would break... He's igniting under Macau's unsure hands. He's never felt this on-edge before, but it has to be the denial of allowing this that's making him insane.

He inhales deeply as Macau's pressure increases slightly, more confidently, and knows that that's bullshit.

The level of want, of need, of ownership and the need to possess...

It's only ever been Macau.

Macau's other hand shifts, slides under Kim's shirt to rub gently, pressing fingertips into Kim's muscles. Heat flows into Kim from those small points of contact, from the hand on his cock, from Macau's hard dick humping into Kim's back because Macau is young, is drunk, is a virgin who can't help himself.

He's getting bolder with each passing second, and Kim thinks of a thousand and one ways to put him in his place once Macau is fully in his hands.

He acts up even when the bike is parked, tries to press into Kim after Kim helps him off the bike, tries to catch Kim's lips before they can move.

Kim lets him.

Kim lets him, then pushes his fingers into Macau's hair and pulls harshly, tilting Macau's face back, watching black pupils dilate against the deep brown of his irises. Macau's alcohol-soaked breath gentles and slows, and somehow... He's relaxed and trusting.

Trusting Kim, just as he shouldn't be.

"Macau," Kim says, and Macau's eyes open and he focuses on Kim, eyes sweet and unkowing of what Kim is going to do to him. "Be good for me tonight. Be good for me like you've always been."

Macau's eyes shine as Kim relaxes his hold.

"I'll be good," he whispers. "I'll be good, P'Kim, I'll be good, I'll be yours, I'll be anything you want... Just don't leave, P'Kim, just don't leave me alone again..."

Macau hiccups, drunk hiccups this time, no tears, just a pink glow across his nose and cheekbones, and sweat gathering at his hairline.

He's beautiful and sweet, sad and melancholy, but for the first time, Kim realizes that Macau is broken.

It's unfortunate for him, but Kim doesn't know how to keep things safe, much less fix them and make them better. He'd thought maybe he'd learned by Chay's care and affection, but he hasn't.

Take care of Nong...

Kim's eyes linger on Macau's face as he thinks about taking care of him, about staying with him, about keeping him safe, just as Chay had said.

He thinks about that, and then takes Macau by the hand and to the private elevator, ascending to the secure penthouse.

Macau stumbles into the entrance after him, and Kim wants to strip him where he stands, fall to his knees and suck his cock until he comes, feed his come back to him and hold his throat while he swallows it.

But there have been dirty, filthy hands on his sweet cousin's body tonight, and Kim can't tolerate it for another second. He has to get the stink of unworthy, unclean people off of Macau, so that Kim's touch is the only thing tainting him.

Possessing Macau means marking him, leaving sweat and come on his skin, inside him, and carving scars on Macau's mind so that he will always remember that he is Kim's and Kim is his. They are bound by blood, and Kim will bind them completely with this strangling obsession, tied tightly until neither of them can breathe.

He drags him to the bathroom and turns on the shower, and when he turns around Macau is stripping.

He's stripping, slow and drunk and casual, no seductive intention at all. He's sloppy with the buttons of his shirt and his belt, clumsy as he steps out of his pants and underwear. Kim thinks about a night four years ago, where he'd sat rock hard watching Macau begin to touch himself through a hidden camera, and how he'd told himself that he was a sick freak, and that he would never bring Macau to the level of wrong that Kim dwells in.

Now his cousin stands naked in front of him, pink cock full and leaking, and Kim is going to sink Macau into him, into the only place he should call home, into a place where the only danger he'll face is Kim himself.

Because Kim is a monster.

Kim is a monster that does not deserve good things, but he's selfish enough take them when offered. He took Chay, who offered himself up for a reason Kim will never truly understand, and now...

...He will finally take Macau.

Dissonant Notes in Minor Keys (KimMacau, KimChayMacau) 18+Where stories live. Discover now