Chapter Seven: Crescendo

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Kim buries his face in Macau's neck and fucks him harder, feels himself cracking slowly open under years of desperation, of shame and loathing and disgust, and beneath that splitting surface something possessive and greedy rises.

Macau wraps his arms around Kim, pulls him close, his cock hard and leaking between them, so wet and slick that the head of it slides smoothly against Kim's body as he fucks into Macau, held so close, so reverently. Macau is trembling, thighs shaking in Kim's grip, and his moans are giving way to higher pitched whines and uneven breaths, and Kim knows he's going to come.

Macau tenses, and Kim turns his teeth to Macau's neck and bites.

Bites and sucks and keeps fucking Macau, who is shaking and crying, hands buried in Kim's hair to hold him to his neck.

Kim bites him again, and this time feels the skin break beneath his teeth, little drops of blood on his tongue singing their bond as they slide down his throat.

He pulls back, needs to look at Macau, to see the marks he's made on his body and mind.

Macau's mouth is open, his brow furrowed, and he is exhausted and lovely as he struggles against overstimulation, his soft cock still leaking into the pool of come on his belly. The welts of Kim's bite bleed lightly against the purpling bruise forming around them, and his is beautiful.

His eyes are focused on Kim, tears still steadily spilling over across his temples, and Kim needs to see him.

He adjusts back onto his knees, hiking Macau's legs up with him, and watches as Macau presses his fingers into the bite wound, into the bruise, and leans into it. Kim is still, heart racing, cock pulsing, as Macau gathers the mix of his own blood and Kim's saliva on his fingertips, then licks all of it into his mouth.

Macau moans around the taste, and it's a fucked up thing, but Kim is slowly realizing that even broken, even sweet and caring and innocent in ways, Macau is still a Theerapanyakun, and all Theerapanyakun children grow up with the taste of blood in their mouths, with a potential for a deadly unmaking that some of them have been forced to fulfill.

Macau smiles up at him, and Kim's everything gives way.

There isn't much finesse or sense to the way he fucks Macau now, hard and unkind and selfish, but Macau still reaches for him, still puts his hands over Kim's where they are forming new bruises on his legs, and there is nothing left but that touch and the feeling of Macau hot and tight around him, of being pulled in, of drowning, drowning, as his he loses control of his breath, lost in his own body, lost in Macau's.

He fucks him and Macau will hurt with it, and that's good, because there has always been kindness and caring between them, but there is the violence of their blood beneath everything, Macau's dormant in his marrow while Kim's lies just beneath his skin.

But inside Macau like this, Kim can feel it.

Macau cries, whimpers, pleads Kim's name, and Kim comes, undone by his cousin trembling beneath him, undone by the dissonance of their sex, giving over to the harmony of letting himself slowly fall to kiss Macau deeply.

The pleasure holds him for so, so long, bolstered by Macau's easy lips. Kim lets himself relax into it, lets himself stay in the space that Macau has created for him, whether knowing or not.

They kiss, holding each other, soft and loving and gentle, even as Macau's bite wound still sluggishly bleeds.

This is like Chay, too; like him but not, and as Kim's mind slowly rises through the haze, the picture of the night clarifies.

Just get Nong to a safe place and stay with him if you need to!

Nothing about that should make sense, because Chay is sweet and kind and thoughtful, but also buries jealousy and a need to keep Kim close and safe.

Chay is all of those things, but he is also unable to lie, and Kim can feel the truth behind those words, as impossible as that truth could be.

Chay is sweet and kind and thoughtful, but he struggles to be direct when there is something he wants, afraid to ask, and dropping hints that he hopes will be picked up.

Macau is the same, in that regard.

Kim pulls away from Macau, pulls out and watches his come slowly spill from his hole. Macau sighs, sated and sleepy and likely still not sober, and Kim doesn't think he'll get any answers out of him yet.

"Stay," he says gently, kissing Macau's forehead. "Just rest, I'll be right back."

"You're not... Not leaving, are you?" Macau mumbles, and Kim can see the fear even through the exhaustion, wishes that he could somehow reach into Macau and excise it like the malignancy that it is.

"No," Kim says, this time kissing his lips. "But you need water and food, and I need to clean you up."

Macau sighs, mumbles, "Okay..." and Kim knows he doesn't trust that he won't wake up alone.

There is the lightest ache in Kim's chest as he takes in that disbelief, the awful truth that Macau still thinks he can be abandoned just like that.

Kim gathers what he needs, but Macau is fast asleep when he comes back to the room. He's exhausted in a way Kim hadn't understood before, but he can see it so much more clearly now in the way Macau's lashes kiss the dark circles under his eyes.

He wakes him up, and Macau is cute as he obediently sips water and takes a few bites of a protein bar, is sexy as he spreads his legs obediently for Kim to clean him gently.

He finishes with a kiss to Macau's forehead, warm under his lips, and tells him to rest. He brushes his fingers over Macau's hair until he drifts to sleep, and allows himself to exist in this pocket of time, this space where he feels like he could reclaim hope.

But Kim has a phone call to make.

He goes to the bathroom, wets a cloth and cleans up, pulling his pants back on and fishing his phone from the pocket of his jacket, and then brings up Chay's contact.

He stares at it as he makes his way back to the den, and debates text over call over video call.

Chay isn't the best at hiding his thoughts and emotions, but he's better at it when he can't see the other person, and Kim needs him to be as honest as possible.

Because Kim is almost sure he's been set up, and only has the barest, impossible inkling as to why.

He dials for a video call, and Chay answers almost immediately.

Dissonant Notes in Minor Keys (KimMacau, KimChayMacau) 18+Where stories live. Discover now