the heist

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I take requests for the story! Anything you want unless it's r@pe, @buse, or Sh. --silly little french boy ___________________________________You and mark were on the run from the cops, you had stolen a box from a museum. On your drive away you held onto the box for safe keeping because let's be honest, your more responsible then mark. Mark stopped the car and turned to you.

"We should get some rest." Mark grabs a blanket from the trunk. "Fuck, we only have one blanket. Is it ok if we share?"

You look up at him and blushed, you were truly in love with him but you never really felt love back but you'll never give up. "Sure! I don't mind!"

You two got comfortable under the blanket, you two were not cuddling, not even that close, making your heart hurt... You drifted off into sleep, just then you open your eyes to see a man, he stared down at you, his skin gray, glitching as he stands there.

"There you are y/n... It's great to finally get to meet you, I'm darkiplier." Darkiplier chuckled, a deep, creepy chuckle.

"How do you know my name? Where am I?"

"You, my dear, are being lied to... Mark isn't there for you, he is using you for the box."

You look at darkiplier in confusion and shock, "You don't know him! He wouldn't do anything like that!"

"Y/n please listen to me. You are going to make a huge mistake!"

"I just met you! Why should I trust you?! Mark isn't using me for the box!"

"Y/n don't yell at me and just listen!!!" Darkiplier snapped at you as he threw a glass wine glass on the ground. You wake up stressing out, you look over at mark and began to think, 'is he really using me?'.

Just then the police found them, you look over out the window in fear, you start to shake mark.

"Wake up mark!! The police found us!" Mark woke up and quickly began to drive again. Out of nowhere a cop car hit the side of our car, sending us rolling over to a random cliff that drops down to a river of water.

The door on your side of the car got torn off. "Shit mark!!" You held on for dear life, but then you fall out. You are now hanging out the car, holding tightly onto the car, in your other hand you held the box.

"Give me the box so I can pull you up Y/n!!" Mark yelled, you then thought about what darkiplier said, but you gave in and handed him the box. "Thank you." Mark let out a chuckle as he kicked your hand making you lose your grip on the car, falling out.

"Mark!!!" You yell as you fall down to the river.

458 words! Thank you so much for reading! Hehe cliff hanger... Literally....
Bye! --silly little french boy.

Darkiplier x reader (heist with Markiplier)Where stories live. Discover now