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Ragnars pov

I was talking with red and Batman about the mission and who to put in it

Wally: Artemis your here and look who's finally joining

RA; Artemis

Artemis: Roy

Ragnar: enough with the hostility you have a mission

Batman: we have reason to suspect that ivo is in the bayou so kidflash auqulad and red arrow your heading down

Artemis: I want in with Megan and Robin not going I'm the only one with enough experience flying the bio ship

Ragnar: agreed

Batman: ok go get ready

I walk to the common room and sit down and grab my phone getting a message from an unknown number I read it and walk out

Red: is everything ok

Ragnar: everything is fine red I just have some personal stuff to take care of

I walk threw the zetatube arriving in a park

Ragnar: ok I'm here

I feel someone put a knife to my throat

Savage: now now deathstroke shiva is that anyway to treat our delivery boy

Ragnar: what do you want

Savage: we need you to do a delivery run

Ragnar: what am I moving

Shiva: our daughter Cassandra

Savage: yes and your sister and slades protégés

Ragnar: so I'm a babysitter

Savage: yes here's were your taking them shade hook and black spider will met you there

Ragnar: that across town

Savage: be fast

They walk off and I walk to the car

Ragnar: oh gods

I get in

Ragnar: Cassandra Cassie and Tara fun

Cassandra: let's get going brother

I start the car and drive off

Tara: so why you why couldn't slave or shiva do this

Ragnar: one slade and shiva are to recognizable they still have enemies and two suck it up princess

We make it about half way to the destination when the car flips I look and see a group of people in red hoods I get out when one jumps and me trying to stab me

Ragnar; what do the cult of the cobra what with these kids

Goon 1: payback the mighty cobra never got paid so he wants revenge

I grabs the goos arm and breaks it making him drop the knife another comes at me with a sword swinging wildly I grab the blade pull him to me and slit his throat

Ragnar: come on you two

I yell at the last two that rush me I grab the sword and stabs one and start filing with the other

Ragnar: so all this is for a payday

Goon 4: yes the mighty cobra will get his revenge

Ragnar: kinda pointless

G4: what do you mean

Ragnar: one of them is immortal anther is shivas kid and that's one is slades protege

G4: you lie

Ragnar: nope

I cut him in half

Ragnar: tell cobra I send my regards

I walk to the car and pull the kids out and put them in a new one

Ragnar: almost there

I drive to the wearhouse on the dock I park and look around

Ragnar: shade

Shade: leviathan

Ragnar: my payment

He hands me a briefcase of money

Ragnar: pleasure doing business with you

I walk to the nearest zetatube

Megan: there you are oh my god what happened

Ragnar: got into a fight I'm fine

I sat down and Megan started tending to my wounds

Megan; you lost a lot of blood you should be dead

Ragnar; I am a god

Megan: true

She hugs me and I hug back

Ragnar; I'm not going anywhere kid

She finishes patching me up when the rest of the team gets back and I hear bickering so I walk in and they all go quiet

Ragnar: what happened

They all start talking

Ragnar: quite Kaldur what happened

Kaldur: everything was going fine till we ran into Cheesier and sportsmaster then Artemis put a tracker on a train car to lead us away from them and put one of cheesier to follow her

Ragnar: is this true Artemis

Artemis: yes

Ragnar; hit the showers and head home I'll talk with Batman

I text Bruce telling him what happened and head home I arrive at my apartment and I sit down and wait for Jade to get home. After a few hours I decide to call her but she doesn't answer so I leave a message for her

I'm skipping the next episode performance for the simple fact that it's kinda a filler episode but I'll tell you guys nonetheless

Performance- Ragnar went to Europe pretending to be the teams dad to help the stop parasite

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