Chapter 4

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I twiddled my fingers, gazing at the ceiling and then back at the man before me, sitting on his desk chair with his both arms resting on the white executive desk that separated us from each other.  

I didn't even know his name but he had every single information about me. How? Can someone explain to me what's happening? 

"Would you care for something to eat or drink?" he asked softly. 

I nodded. 


"Okay," he looked at me and cleared his throat. "Let's get to the point, Hailey. I want you to be a secret agent for my agency," he said, leaning back in his chair. I leaned forward, placing my elbow on the desk and resting my chin in my hand.

"But why me?"

"Due to the nature of the mission that I am currently undertaking, I require a person who possesses exceptional bravery, astuteness, and quick-wittedness to effectively navigate through difficult situations with ease. Upon learning about your background and present accomplishments, I am confident that you possess the aforementioned qualities. Based on your track record, I can predict a bright future for you." 

I squinted my eyes. "First of all, can you please tell me from where the heck did you get the information about my past?" I leaned back in the chair. "As an agent, it is within our capabilities to access the database of a specific person with relative ease. This is a task that we can accomplish with a high degree of proficiency."

"Mhmm I don't think I can do...this. Mr?" I nodded frantically. "Bryson Barlow, you can call me Mr Bryson."

"Yeah, so Mr Bryson I don't think I'm a fit for this mission," I said. "Give yourself a chance," he said, basically trying to encourage me. Even if I would say yes what possibly will gain from accomplishing this mission? 

I sighed as I goggled at him blankly. I opened my mouth to ask something when just then he interrupted by saying "Twenty million dollars.....for this mission," he smiled.

 What the heck just happened? Did he read my mind? This guy was weirder than a three-dollar bill. And twenty million dollars? I didn't even know how many zeros are in that. Was that even a real number or did he just make it up to mess with me? Maybe I should start practising my shocked face for when I become an overnight millionaire.

"Well...." I cleared my throat. "You won't say no to that at least, will you?" He raised his brows. 

Definitely not.

"Do I gotta do this mission by myself?" I asked, my voice cracking with nervousness and excitement all at once, because let's be real: ain't no way I was letting go of those twenty million dollars. I mean, I could live the rest of my life like a queen with that kind of cash flow. Stefan, Tom, and Drake would be so pumped to hear this news from me.

"No, you- I'm telling you Everly if that pinheaded again pulled that shitty prank on me I'll fucking kill him!" someone from outside the door yelled causing Mr Bryson to groan as if it was normal for him. I could hear the footsteps approaching this room as they got louder and louder and the door opened with a loud thud. 

I looked over my shoulder when a boy entered the room along with a girl. He was quite tall and good-looking. He had dark brown hair with brown eyes, a good clean jawline and pale skin. The girl was beautiful as she had navy blue hair tied in a messy bun and almond-brown eyes. Her skin was fair.

"Rylan, what's wrong?" Mr Bryson asked him in such a way as if he wasn't interested to ask at all but did anyway. "As always, Arfan pulled a prank on him," The girl with blue hair explained, her name was Everly I guess because that's what that guy was shouting. 

I looked forward again and dropped my head between my shoulders. "I thought you got used to it," Mr Bryson said, he was probably talking to the guy whose name is Rylan. "I'll never get used to that stupid creature's shitty pranks," Rylan growled.

They both were working for Mr Bryson, I assumed. Since their outfit seemed as if they were secret agents, just like me. Of course, now I would consider myself one. Everly was wearing a fit black leather jacket with black fitted leather pants, her thigh strapped with knives and a gun. While Rylan was wearing a black fitted T-shirt with his abs slightly visible and black jeans. A gun in the holster attached to his waist.

"He's a kid," Everly hissed.

"Kid? What the fuck Everly he is fucking eighteen,"

"Okay, now you are overreacting," she said causing Rylan to scoff.

"Who is this?" I lifted my head and my eyes met Rylan's. He stared at me as if I was a suspect.

"Rylan. Everly. I want to introduce you to the new member of our team. Meet, Hailey Deveraux." Mr Bryson said while staring at me. 

I don't know why I was feeling awkward while getting introduced. Was it because I was nervous? Yes.

"Hi! I'm Everly Perez." Everly grinned as she approached me and shook her hand with mine. She was sweet. I smiled awkwardly. Everly looked back at Rylan who didn't seem to be interested in meeting me at all. Everly smacked his arm making him slightly flinch. 

"Rylan Flores, nice to meet you." he smiled but it clearly seemed that he was faking it. I shook my head and turned my attention back to Mr Bryson. "So, I hope everything is clear now?" he asked politely and I shook my head.

Even if there was a lot to ask about I didn't know where to start from. I felt as if it was the new beginning of my life. Now I had the chance to experience something new, something extraordinary. This was the most unpredictable turn in my life. 

"Everly, show Hailey her room." Mr Bryson commanded. 

What the fuck? Was I not supposed to go back home? Home? I meant streets.

She shook her head and then blinked at me, signalling to follow her as she approached the exit door.


 I ascended the stairs alongside Everly. We hadn't started any conversation yet and I felt awkward about it. Her face told me that she seemed to be loquacious yet she didn't utter a word.  

"So, Hailey, what did you do that impressed Mr Bryson so much that he selected you as a new member of our team?" she finally inquired, her tone tinged with curiosity.

I paused, considering her response before offering a candid reply. "Well, it's kind of a weird story, actually," I began, a faint smile playing at the corners of my lips. "I met Mr Bryson for the first time in a bar. We didn't talk because, honestly, I didn't know who he was at the time."

Everly's eyebrows lifted in surprise, prompting me to continue with a chuckle. "But apparently, he overheard me talking about the incident that took place recently – I took down seven men single-handedly. I guess that caught his attention," I explained.

Her eyes widened in disbelief, but I pressed on, my tone matter-of-fact. "And then, well, he dug a little deeper and learned about my past. I suppose it piqued his interest even further," I added.

She shook her head as she looked forward when we finally stepped on the floor.

As Everly led me down the corridor, anticipation tingled in the air. When we reached the metal door, she paused, turning to me with a knowing smile before swinging it open.

My breath caught in my throat as I stepped into the room. I stood frozen and speechless. 

The bed, round and imposing, commanded attention at the centre of the room, a luxurious sanctuary beckoning me to rest. Wardrobes and cupboards lined the walls, already stocked with outfits befitting my new role as an agent. A shelf adorned with books caught my eye. A one-seater fluffy sofa was placed right in front of the shelf which looked stunning. The attached bathroom gleamed with pristine cleanliness.

The theme of the room is a harmonious blend of grey and white.

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