Chapter 7

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I threw on a black cami, a dope leather jacket, jeans, and killer high-heeled boots. I  had several knives strapped to my thighs and a gun tucked into my holster. Finally, I tied my hair up into a slick ponytail. 

 Now, I was ready to slay the day.

I emerged from my room and strode directly to the staircase. Descending its steps, I made my way to the exit door and stepped outside. Ivan and Carlos had already left for work, while Rylan, Everly, and Arfan were waiting for me in the black sedan at the wide-open gate, ready to leave. I quickly approached the car and got into the back seat with Everly. Rylan was driving the vehicle while Arfan was seated in the passenger seat.

Rylan wasted no time; he pulled the gear and rode off.


It had been fifteen minutes since we had left, and none of us had spoken a word. The journey was becoming tiresome. Arfan was busy typing on his laptop, which he had brought along. Rylan was focused on driving. Everly was scrolling through her phone. It seemed like I had to initiate the conversation now. 

I rolled my eyes and glanced at Everly. "How long have you been working in this agency?" I asked her. She turned all her attention towards me as she put away her phone. "It's been two years," she said. I nodded.

"We all have been working for Mr Bryson for a long time," she shrugged. 

So, I was the only new person in the agency, yet they treated me like I had known them for years. 

Carlos was an exception. 

"Did he choose you all in the same way he chose me?" I questioned again.

"Yeah. The only thing he looks for in a person is capability," she said.


That word held immense power. It was a quality that not only Mr Bryson but many others seek in people. It signified the ability to handle a challenging situation with ease or to love someone with all their heart. In such cases, what truly mattered was one's capability, regardless of how feeble they may appear to be. As long as one possessed the capability, they could overcome any obstacle or challenge that could come their way.

I tilted my head back and gazed out the window, taking in the passing scenery. Suddenly, Rylan hit the brakes, causing all of us in the car to jolt forward.

"Rylan!" Everly gasped.

"Fuckin hell!" Rylan snarled, 

Both Arfan and Rylan jumped out of the car and confronted the red SUV that almost caused an accident.

Rylan was too tall so I couldn't see the other guy he was arguing with. 

"Not them again," Everly scoffed, rolling her eyes back.

I darted at her. "Who are they?"

"They are members of the Cipher Edge agency, which is our rival," she said. "They are dealing with the same case as we are."

So basically they were going to be a pain in the ass. Great, it will be fun.

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