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Sitting in the family lunch around Elina and few of her annoying cousins and family member
I couldn't shake the feeling of irritation gnawing at me like a relentless pest. The forced smiles and polite chit-chat grated on my nerves, each moment stretching out like an eternity. These people, with their superficial niceties and meaningless pleasantries, were nothing but a nuisance to me. I had more important matters to attend to, more pressing concerns than indulging in this charade of civility But alas, here I was, trapped in a suffocating atmosphere of false camaraderie and empty gestures. If there was one thing I despised more than weakness, it was the pretense of affection. So I sat there, my facade of indifference firmly in place, counting down the seconds until I could escape this insufferable gathering and return to the world where I truly belonged-the world of power, dominance, and control.

But my thoughts changed when I heard the familiar footsteps coming downstairs. The sound echoed through the silence of the room, each step drawing me in like a moth to a flame. A familiar scent wafted through the air, intoxicating and unmistakable. I didn't even have to look to know who it was. Ivy Morgan. Her presence had a way of disrupting the monotony of my existence, stirring something within me that I couldn't quite name.

She was wearing a red dress that hugged her tiny waist perfectly, accentuating every curve in a way that left me breathless. I couldn't help but admire the way the fabric clung to her, as if it were tailor-made to showcase her beauty.

And then there were Ivy's lips-full and inviting, painted in a shade of red that matched the dress she wore. They beckoned to me, tempting me.
As if they provoked me to pull her and devour it.

Her eyes, like sapphires sparkling in the sunlight, held a depth that mirrored the vast expanse of the ocean. With each glance, they seemed to draw me in.

So this is the princess they all talked about.
Innocent smile , sweet giggles and a piece of sunshine.
I wonder if she's innocent beneath the surface too.

So now I get it why they didn't offered me ivy at first place telling us that she's not a virgin or whatsoever.
Heck if i cared anyways. She was a piece of cake , sweet and delicious and something i'd devour wholly.
There's no man who'd turn down Ivy Morgan and I get it why.

She would have been the mafia princess, destined to inherit her family's legacy, if tragedy hadn't struck when she was just twelve years old.
Her parents were killed or maybe died in an accident.
Nobody knew what actually happened that night.

Since then, Ivy's uncle, Mr. Vincent, has been taking care of her. But to be honest, Vincent is just another bastard I know. He's the kind of guy who would do anything to get fame and, of course, money. After Ivy's father's death, the position was handed over to Vincent, and that's how Elina became the mafia princess instead of Ivy. And that's why I'm bound to marry Elina-to gain succession to the throne, being the only child of my parents.

This marriage doesn't mean anything else to me. Not even one bit. It's a transaction, a means to an end-a cold, calculated move in the deadly game of mafia politics. I feel nothing for Elina, just as I feel nothing for anyone else in this world. Love, sentiment, emotion-they're all foreign concepts to me, irrelevant in the pursuit of power and control. My heart is as cold and empty as the void that consumes me, and this marriage is nothing more than a pawn in the mafia game.
This marriage is just another chess move in the game of power, and I intend to play it with ruthless efficiency, regardless of the consequences.

Ivy sat across from me with that same smile, her eyes sparkling with a warmth that seemed out of place in our world of shadows and deception. Sometimes I couldn't help but wonder if she truly understood the darkness that surrounded her, if she knew the dangers lurking just beyond the facade of normalcy.
As I watched her, that innocence of hers tugged at something dark within me, a primal urge to possess and dominate.
As much as I wanted to resist, a part of me longed to shatter that innocence, to break her into pieces and mold her into something that belonged to me alone. It was a dangerous desire, born from the darkness within me, yet I couldn't deny the thrill it sent coursing through my veins. To possess her completely, to dominate her in every sense of the word.

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