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Playlist (SLOWED)
Older by isabel larosa
Under the influence by Chris brown
yad by Erika Lundmoen

As Ivy stormed away, her fiery gaze burning into my memory, I couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration and desire coursing through me. She was like a tempest, unpredictable and untamed, and I found myself drawn to her in a way I couldn't explain.

I hated the way that motherfucker ethan touched her. 

But one thing that sent a rush of anger through my veins was that blonde guy , Ethan or whatever.
It was the way he hugged her or the way she smiled at his presence and whatever it was but it was for sure made me wanna choke the guy to death.
It was frustrating , annoying and irritating all at once.

I Was lost in my own thoughts when Kai's words.
"too excited for the engagement that you ain't even saying a word" he chuckled.

"you know how it is , all fake bullshit" i said clearing whatever he was thinking.

Kai chuckled, raising his own glass in agreement. "Yeah, but hey, at least you'll have a smoking hot wife, right?" He nudged me playfully, but his words only added to my frustration. i took a long sip of my beer, wishing for something stronger to drown out the unease settling in my chest.

"Not interested in that" i spoke pouring myself a glass of wine instead I'm more interested in the smoking hot sister.

"Uh whatever" he playfully rolled his eye. "I heard she got has some step sister? And she's hot?"

"she's off limits" i muttered my tone sharp , shooting Kai a warning glance, my jaw tensing at his careless remark. The last thing I needed was for him to start talking about Ivy. She was off-limits, forbidden territory, and dwelling on her only made things more complicated. But try as I might, I couldn't shake the memory of her fiery gaze and the way her touch ignited something deep within me.

It was a dangerous game, one I knew I shouldn't be playing, but God help me, I couldn't stay away.

"Now don't tell me you like ivy Aiden" Kai immediately kept his glass away focusing on me with concern

"well" i shrugged
"hell no" he spoke in disbelief
"hell yeah" i replied

" That's some risky game" he shook his head.
"And I've always loved risks. It thrills me, you know," I countered, my voice laced with a hint of defiance as I met Kai's disapproving gaze head-on. He shook his head in disbelief, but I knew that nothing could deter me from pursuing what I wanted, even if it meant dancing on the edge of disaster.

"it will ruin your connection and everything with elina's dad" Kai looked concerned..

I didn't spoke anything because I knew.
Deep down , she was worth the risk.

Here comes the day of the engagement.
As Elina made her grand entrance, flanked by her bridesmaids, including Ivy in her resplendent red dress, I found myself utterly captivated. Lost in a trance, I couldn't tear my eyes away from Ivy, her presence commanding attention as she walked gracefully beside her sister

Each step she took seemed to echo in the depths of my soul, her beauty casting a spell that left me spellbound.

I was lost. Lost in her beauty , lost in those eyes , lost in the way her hair swayed everytime the wind blew , lost in those smile.
Hell now I was in loss of words.

Ivy's eyes met mine for a second and i felt the crowd disappearing leaving just two of us.
As much I tried to deny the more some urgue to pull her in my arms grew.
It was just a mere attraction I knew it was nothing more.
I am not the one to love anyone , i just know to ruin and destroy.
But something about her , for some reasons , for once make me wanna ruin myself for her.

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