Look out for what you wish for.. Cast?

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Want to help me with a cast? I could really use a cast for Jacob, Erin, Samantha, and Ryan. (:

A huge shoutout to everyone fanning me and comment, liking..whatever...you know. Just being there for me. Yes, this really isn't a chapter. But I'm just saying, I am uploading soon for Reekles, DancerNwriter16, Muahahaxoxo

And ...more..muchhh love to my fans (: I'm really sorry about my punctuation, I've already been told that my punctuation needs to be changed haha, but yea, I'm just here for the ride. (: I love reading everyones books. Making friends and just having a good time! (: I will upload soon. Much love to all of my fans! (: <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2011 ⏰

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