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(This story is basically from Annie's point of view. I'll inform you if I change it. Dedicated to baekkie0461)

I woke up, rubbing my eyes that was still sore from last night's event. Why is my brother a jerk and made me listen to a long boring speech. I got up, bathe and put on my usual clothes on. Black shirt, jeans and navy sneakers. Before exiting the house, I stood in front of the mirror. I sighed. Pale skin, ash brown hair, big eyes and small mouth. "Why am I so ugly...," I said to myself. I used my fingers to comb my fringe into place. I grabbed my bag and started to walk to school.

I slammed the door to my history class open. Everyone instantly went quite. I silently walked to my seat, not forgetting to glare at anyone who got in my way. As soon as I sat, our homeroom teacher walked in. I, being the person who I am, didn't even bothered to greet or even looked at the teacher. At the corner of my eye, I saw a kid probably new entered the class. Another brat to added to the ones already here... this kid seems different tho. I decided to ignore the thoughts. The only part that actually attracted my attention was "Mr. Baekhyun will sit beside Ms. Annie,". The hell?!!!. " Excuse me ma'am," I said, standing up. "Yes Annie, Baekhyun is going to sit beside you. Now will you excuse me, I'll have to go to a meeting," she said, giving me the scariest glare she could managed which I gladly ignored. I slumped back into my seat. The Baekhyun boy slowly walked to his seat. I rolled my eyes at the girls who were practically drooling at the sight of him. "Hi, my name is Byun Baekhyun. Nice to meet you," he said as he sat down. He looked at me. I glared at him and kept quite. Why is he not scared? He's supposed to be scared by a demon's stare... That's how things works with human. He just smiled. "Annie," I finally replied. "Hi Annie. Let's be friends," he said cheerfully. Friends? No one ever dared to even look at me and this dude wants to be friends with me. I turned my head to fully face him. All I could think of was this dude is not a human.

( Totally unedited. Sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes. English is not my first language)
From 2016 me: i swear this story doesn't get worse than this chapter.

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