When i die 💖

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A/N I have this weird thing where if I'm listening to music my mind is filled with colors then after I see the colors my mind bends the colors into images most times they look watercolor like sometimes they look almost cartoonish yet realistic if that makes sense. This short story is about a vision I saw when I was listening to a song. It's specifically the part where the boy begins to hear and see visions that aren't actually there :) enjoy

Word count: 341

"When I die" the small boy said softly in the arms of his friend. "Don't look for me in the sunsets" he spoke so softly, barely a whisper. "Where should I find you?" The friend asked softly, stroking his hair gently. "Find me in the trees." He answered, "find me in the breeze that shakes those trees" he smiled as he spoke listening to the friends breathing. "Find me within the grass and leaves that crunch beneath your feet as you walk." He continued on. He paused as he began to sit up looking his friend in the eyes, "and most of all. Find me in the eyes of the foxes" he sat looking at his friend, his world bending and molding around them, tears filling his eyes as he heard the sound of paws hitting the ground, leaves rustling, happy yips coming from the foxes. His vision was full of colorful images of trees, foxes, leaves, and life. As it circled him it all faded in an instance as his friend spoke. "Of course, I will look for you in the forests when you die." The boy and his friend embraced each other in a hug as tears began to spill from his eyes. As he continued to listen to the yips from the foxes, the leaves crunching, the bushes rustling, the trees shaking, and all the other sounds that filled the forest that was his mind. "Thank you" he whispered into his friend's ear as they continued to embrace. Happiness filling them both.

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