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Next day when Parisa woke up, she was alone in her new bedroom. There wasn't any trace of Kabeer, and even his bedside was fully clean and tidy like no one slept on it. She got up and quickly got ready, she went downstairs and saw the family sitting on the dining table except Kabeer and Hussain.

Parisa approached a bit awkwardly but Farah was the first one to spot her. "Welcome beta! I was actually going to call you in ten minutes but you came by yourself." The kind lady tried to calm her nerves down. "It's okay, I was already awake but thank you for the concern." Parisa tried to distract everyone with her words so they will stop worrying about her.

Everyone started breakfast but Parisa was looking around with her peripheral vision, trying to find a clue about Kabeer. "Beta! Kabeer went to office early morning because of an highly important meeting." Ahmed told her with a gentle smile and she was embarrassed, she was confused if she was that obvious.

After the breakfast, Parisa moved towards her bedroom, it was her reception day. The event was at night but she had to sort few things beforehand, she called Zara.

"Good morning mrs. Malik!" Zara said in a chirping voice, and Parisa could imagine her big smile. "Good morning Zara!" Parisa replied in a serious tone. "Is everything fine? You sound very moody." Zara asked with concern.

"Everything is good! I wanted to ask if my office is ready because one whole year I have to stay in Pakistan. I can't sit idly at home." Parisa asked Zara in all seriousness and Zara quickly replied, "everything is sorted out but the issue is we will have to work from Islamabad because it's the main fashion hub. That's the only way, and after three months the bridal couture week is coming up, it's hosted in Islamabad always. You will have to transfer there, boss!" Zara told her the most pressing issue.

Parisa was confused on how can she work in Islamabad when Kabeer lives in Lahore and commuting everyday is not possible. It's a four hour ride which isn't favorable and too much to ask for, she needed a solution ASAP. "Alright Zara! What about the property transfer from the Khan's?"

"That's all done! Ahmer already made the documents for you to inherit your will and your father signed it on Kabeer's insistence on your Nikkah day." Zara explained her her recent findings. "So you inherited your property. You are the legal heir of the Khan's by fifty-one percent." Zara added on. Parisa smirked in victory, she needed to see the face of Malika, her biggest nemesis.

They hung the phone when few girls entered her room with a beautiful blue dress along with makeup artists. They were here to get her ready for her reception party. It was a lavish affair for the Maliks and everyone will be in attendance. Parisa got changed and got ready. It took her long five hours to get ready, it was evening by then.

She was sitting in her bedroom when the door opened and she saw her husband coming in, he was dressed in a black tuxedo looking all graceful and handsome(not that she will ever admit that). He came in and saw his beautiful bride sitting all decked up, her emerald eyes standing out in the dim light of their room.

"Hello! I'm sorry I left without a word. I had a very important meeting today." He tried explaining himself even though he couldn't take his eyes off her. "It's fine! Uncle told me. What was the meeting about?" She asked curiously as he was happy.

"I'm the new chairman of Malik's Group and companies, my grandfather handed me over the CEO position, as in dad and grandfather will work with me but I will be the main head person." He told Parisa happily, she was confused that they both got their goals on the first night as if their families knew it all along, then what was the need of this contracted alliance.

"Congratulations! But I can't believe that we both achieved what we wanted so easily as if everyone was just waiting for this marriage." Kabeer looked up at her with same turmoil but was unsure on the answer. "Truthfully I didn't understand it as well but we have to stay together at least for one year, to make sure they don't force us again."

Parisa wasn't impressed with her achievement now because the sacrifice was big, she told him about her problem of her office being in Islamabad, and he reassured her that she can move there for few months and he will find a way to convince his family. After a while, they got called down and went together to attend their reception. It was a big affair with diplomats, celebrities and every important personality in attendance.

She met the Khan's family as well, her stepmother wasn't impressed with her so was her sister. They looked at her like she was a disgrace or disappointment. Parisa ignored them as always but she couldn't ignore the sadistic smile of Malika Khan, the woman was up to something.

Parisa approached her father and greeted him, he smiled and gently patted her back. He was genuinely happy for her, maybe his guilt was the main reason behind his kindness but he was elated seeing his daughter settled and in good hands. "I hope you are happy, Parisa!" Jahangir said with concerning gaze and she just smiled.

After meeting their families and getting guests, they went on to give a glimpse to the media, who was eagerly waiting for one glance of the new IT couple. They walked together, Parisa was taking long breaths, Kabeer noticed that, "calm down! You are okay." Parisa just looked towards him with a small smile. They stood on the red carpet and got their pictures clicked.

The reception ceremony soon ended with everyone leaving one by one. Kabeer went to see off his friends while Parisa was talking to Zara, she still couldn't get over the malicious smile of her stepmother.

"I'm feeling very confused, seeing everyone's behaviour and moreover our families agreed to our wishes so quickly." Parisa said with a concerning tone, while Zara shook her head in negative and made her understand that it was just her overthinker brain. They bid goodbyes and Parisa made her way to her bedroom, she quickly changed herself and sat in the balcony, taking in the cold breeze.

The wedding was finally over, but now what was the plan, was all she wondered. They were practically strangers and disliked each other from the first meet. Eventhough, Kabeer was very thoughtful and kind but she was known for her cold personality. Moreover, letting her guards down so quickly can be deadly. She was lost in her thoughts when she saw Kabeer entering the room. He went directly to change, after good fifteen or twenty minutes he came back in his night suit freshly showered.

"I talked to my family, Parisa! They haven't got any issue with you shifting to Islamabad." Kabeer told her his family decision, cutting the main part.

"Are you serious? They agreed without any reservations." Shock would be an understatement, she never thought that they would allow her to live soo far without her husband.

"Uhm... actually, they want me to shift along with you." He told with a sheepish smile, she looked up confused. "Don't worry, I have a plan. We will leave together for Islamabad and then you can stay there while I'm going to London for five months for a business trip." He continued explaining his plan. She wasn't convinced but she hid it better.

The next day,

The new couple left for Islamabad, Parisa and Kabeer reached their new house along with Zara. The servants quickly started accommodating the new owners while Zara went to check on the new office. It was only Parisa and Kabeer left, he was leaving in two hours for London.

"Thank you for helping me, Kabeer!" She told him with earnest gratitude, he helped her when no one was willing to. He looked up from his phone, her tone changed deep inside him. She was deeply grateful and he could feel it.

"It's a win-win situation mrs. Malik." He said jokingly to avoid the awkward air around them.

Kabeer flight was due and he had to leave but something stopped him, maybe Parisa's tone or her eyes that shone brighter with something he couldn't decipher. He just shook her hand and left.

When he was going, Parisa stood there watching the man get away from her. He was going but he was meant to leave, he would never stay for her, like no one ever did before. She felt an empty void opening in her and all she could think if they would have met in different circumstances, everything would have been different.

Thank you for reading....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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